...from Heidi Strawser my TOS Crew Captain and creator of the Planner. She is trying to reach a goal, that helps her out. Get a Planner for yourself (I have promoted them a number of times on my blog already this year but if you don't have one yet... buy now because you can enter to win $25 (or even $50 if she gets enough e-mails) on an Amazon gift card, that helps You out. See below for how this can help me out. Here is the info from Heidi's blog.
As co-creator (and now creator) of the Schoolhouse Planner, I’m very close to reaching a bonus level in sales. But, I need YOUR HELP!
So, if you purchase a Schoolhouse Planner THIS WEEK ONLY (through October 31st) and e-mail me to say that you did so, I will put your name in a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card (or other store or restaurant of your choice). If more than 20 people purchase, I’ll up this amount to $50!
In your e-mail, please put Planner Purchase in the subject line and be sure to include your full name so that I can verify your purchase.
Here is the part that helps me. If I refer you, IE, you see this post on my blog, buy a planner this week and then e-mail me that you bought one, I can enter the contest too!! So Buy, Buy, Buy... and then e-mail me to let me know you did and then I can e-mail Heidi and get in on the contest.

all content on my blog is ©
disclaimer: I love my planner and that is the reason I am willing to post this ad on my blog. Other than the possibility of getting the Amazon gift card I received nothing for putting this ad on my blog.
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