This list does not include sites on specific topics, it is only a sampling of what you can find. It is the list of the places whose Catalogs or books I use to plan my units or in my units. All the web sites were correct on the date this was posted:
Rainbow Resource Everything
Bethlehem Books Historical Fiction
Greenleaf Press History
Diana Waring History
Lamplighter Pub. Fiction/Historical Fiction
Bright Ideas Press Love Mystery of History and Christian Kids Explore...(for science)
Timberdoodle Everything Especially love the K'nex Science kits and the Teaching Textbooks for Math
Vision Forum Fiction/Historical Fiction
Doorposts Character Resources
Answers in Genesis Creation Resources
Alpha Omega Publications I only used this for a couple of electives like Health
Beautiful Feet Books good history
Bob Jones University Press I recommend this for phonics and reading for K and 1st, 2nd if really needed, but not for the rest. Trying to do multiple children with a curriculum made for a Christian school is really hard. It will burn you out! Very time consuming for the mom, not really any student directed and lead courses.
Borenson Math Resources We love Hands-On Equations for learning Algebra
Castlemoyle Books Almost everything... not as much as Rainbow Resources but they have great samples of most things that they sell. They also have some free e-books.
Common Sense Press
Cornerstone Curriculum
Dinah Zike
Eagles Wings Love Considering God's Creation
Farm Country General Store
Five In A Row
Geo Matters
Grace and Truth Books
Heart of Wisdom
Joyce Herzog
LaCelle Family Ministries
Lifetime Books and Gifts
Mantle Ministries
Master books
Math U See
Media Angels
Power-Glide Foreign Language
Praise Hymn, Inc.
Queen Homeschool Supplies
Rock Solid
Redwood Games
Robinson Self Teaching Homeschool Curriculum
Saxon Publishing Company Math and Phonics - Used the Math all the way through because that is waht we had when we started homeschooling, Now though I would use Teaching Textbooks... you can get it from Timberdoodle above. I never tried their phonics
Scholastic Books Love their Warehouse sales
Sonlight already created Unit Studies
Teacher Created Materials on the Web
Visual Manna
Zaner-Bloser Educational Publisher
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Lapbook Links
HOAC - Hands Of A Child
Yahoo Group for HOAC and Lapbooking
Dynamic 2 Moms - lots of freebies
Live and Learn Press
Yahoo Group for Live and Learn Press
Knowledge Box Central's Lapbooks
Squidoo Lapbooking
Homeschool Share - Free Lapbooks
Homeschool Share - Lapbooking Resources
Homeschool Helper - Free Lapbooks and Templates
Lapbook Lesson
Workbox Links:
Sue Patrick's Workbox System I do recommend the book. It gives you incite you can't get from just reading other blogs that do the Workbox System.
Sunflower Schoolhouse - Workbox Blogroll
Workboxables at Homeschool Share Great printouts for Workboxes
What's in the Box - a blog just for workboxes by my friend and fellow TOS mate Sheri
Squidoo - Working the Workboxes - a how to with lots of pictures and links of different ways to set up workboxes and some ideas of things to put in
Squidoo - Filling Your Workboxes - lots of great ideas here
Other Links
Donna Young - lots of freebies and printables for keeping track of all kinds of things
Ellen McHenry's Basement - especially the Free Download tab
Knowledge House

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