Last Updated 08/24/11
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When I update this page I will mark things NEW so you know what has changed since your last visit.
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NEW Easy Peasy — All in One Homeschool - years of FREE homeschool stuff. You must check this out. She has some links to things I have never seen... VERY helpful... and all FREE so what can you lose.
Homeschool Share - unit studies, unit study helps, FIAR resources, lapbooking

Internet Archive Lots of free books and some movies to download. I use a lot of stuff from here for our homeschool. The books can be downloaded as various types of word files like : Read Online, PDF B/W PDF (takes up less room on your computer when it is black and white), EPUB, Kindle, Daisy, Full Text (txt file), DjVu and perhaps other options. I usually do PDF. I would do Kindle if I had a reader but I don't. Some books also have an audio copy on file on the website.
Squidoo - Loads of free stuff on lenses by all sorts of people. Here is a quote from the website showing what Squidoo and lenses are.
"Squidoo is the popular publishing platform and community that makes it easy for you to create "lenses" online. Lenses are pages, kind of like flyers or signposts or overview articles, that gather everything you know about your topic of interest--and snap it all into focus. Like the lens of a camera, your perspective on something. As of February 2010 Squidoo has well over 1,400,000 hand built lenses."Some of my favorite lenses: How to Plan a Lapbook by Jimmie, Joyful Pamela's Lenses (lots of music stuff)
Sunflower Sch
There are over 100 files there for free download as pdf's and she keeps adding to it. Go over and have a look.
The Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project - they have complete books readable online. Mostly History, some Science. There is a search bar if you are looking for a particular book, if not than the menu on the left will be very helpful. Click Authors to see books listed by author. Click Books that will give you another drop down menu with choices for:
- What's New
- In the Works
- By Author
- By Title
- By Genre this is especially helpful. Lets you see a list of the books in a very useful way. Makes it easy to find books on topics you are planning to study. Here is the list of topics:
- Animal Stories
- Anthology
- Biography
- Education
- Fables
- Fairy Tales
- Faith Stories
- Fiction
- Geography
- Hero Tale
- History
- Holiday Stories
- Legends
- Literature
- Mythology
- Nature
- Nature Stories
- Poetry
- Readers
- Science
- Storytelling
- Intro to History
- Ancient Greek
- Ancient Roman
- Norse
- British
- European
- American
- Hispanic
- African
- Asian
- Islamic
Great Journal Pages on a blog
Daily Grammar Lessons Archive
Marine Corps Nomads - Lapbooks
Homeschool Radio Shows Free audio download each week. Sign up to be notified each week by newsletter.
CurrClick (affiliate link) They give away a freebie a week if you get their newsletter. They also have a freebie page with other freebies.
Project Gutenburg also free books for download (I like better, just my preference)
Google Books also free books for download, some are not complete books(I like way better, just my preference)
An Old-Fashioned Education free homeschool curricula, literature and text books organized for the use of homeschooling families.
My Audio School
Homeschooling 4 Free
Dori's Tumble There is an archive of older posts here but Daily Updates are now found on her facebook page
Homeschool Free Stuff This one I actually knew about, but forgot about, so it is new to the freebie list but not new to me.
Free Homeschool Software Not totally free, you have to pay for shipping, but really good deals on educational software.
School e-book Library 500,000 pdf and Mp3 eBooks
Best Places to Get Free Books – The Ultimate Guide
Electronic Books and Online Reading
Homeschool Helper
Christian Audio
School Express
Values Driven Family
The Homeschool Shop
Online Books Page
Creative Homemaking - Free E-books
JenniferErix - Free Educational Links
Giveaway of the Day
Teaching and Learning Company
Toy Town Treasures - new Free Worksheets each month
Evan-Moor Free Monthly Lesson Plans and Clip Art
Teach with Games - Printable Games
Sylvan Dell Publishing - Free Audio Books other freebies from this site can be seen here.
Kids 4 Classics
Making Learning Fun Schoolhouse Rock Free on YouTube
Songs for Learning search on YouTube (some good some not but lots here)
Have Fun Teaching - Songs for Kids - also on YouTube havefunteaching
Poems and Songs That Teach
Free Songs and Activities at (they also have single song downloads and CD's for sale)
Game Giveaway of the Day