Monday, October 18, 2010


Last week my mom was visiting. 
She visited so that we could join her at her NGA Ingathering.
NGA = Needlework Guild of America
The branch we serve at is in Concordville, PA

Usually it is just the kids and I, and my mom, since it is her NGA that we help out with.
This year since my hubby is laid off he decided to join us and see what serving NGA is all about.

On Wednesday we take the clothes that the ladies have made and purchased, along with household items like towels and sheets and some toiletries and they are sorted.

 Men's, Ladies, Girls, Boys, Toddlers, Infants, Household and Miscellaneous are the categories.

All items must be new.

Some only need adult things, some only care for infants and their mom's, it just depends.

 As more ladies arrive the things they brought must be sorted before we can start.

 Then we are assigned to a charity and given a list of things the charity needs.
Our family usually gets dived up.
Nathan and Court did C.A.D.E.S.
I did Salvation army with another lady... see our picture down further.
Rachel helped a number of people but mostly Nathan and Court.
Jessica helped my mom, they did Royer Greaves School for the Blind.
Christopher helped out where he usually does. One of the ladies claims him each year. He looks forward to helping her. They have quite a relationship. It is so cute. The charity is Pathways.
  We take our lists and start "shopping" the tables.




 More Shopping...


 The things we have gotten for our charity go on tables around the edge of the room.

 When the tables in the middle of the room are empty we are done shopping.

Then we have to count all the items so NGA has an accurate count for their records, since they are a non-profit organization.
 Then we bag up most of the items and put the bags under the tables.
Then we decorate the tops of the tables with items of our choice from the many things we have "shopped" for.
We usually take a blanket or other larger decorative item and hand that down the front to cover the bags under the tables and make things look nice.
These pictures are of the table I worked on.

 This is Louise and I.
We worked to collect things for the Salvation Army of Chester, PA

 Once we are all done setting up our charities tables, counting and bagging up the extra stuff we can all sit and eat lunch.

 On Thursday we have a catered luncheon.
The tables are decorated nicely.

 Everyone is more dressed up.
Here is the lady Christopher pairs up with along with Christopher, Jessica and Rachel

 Nathan and Court and some ladies.

 The NGA display board.

Jessica checking out the photos from last year.

 There is always special music for the luncheon.
This year we were honored to have been asked to sing.

I wish I had gotten a picture of us at the tables eating. Also of all the bags and of everyone carrying things out.
It was pouring rain. But, I got busy helping and forgot to take more pictures.
That was our day of community service. We all enjoyed it.
Court saw a different side to his family and wants to do more community service.

all content on my blog is ©

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