It is Goal Planning Monday.
Do you have goals?
How are you doing with them??
I have done pretty well this week. Here are my goals from last week and how I did with them.
- Clean and organize my bedroom in preparation for Rachel and Jessica's friends, Sarah and Rose, visit from June 2nd to the 16th. I have to declutter, put a lot of things back where they belong in other parts of the house, dust, re-organize, vacuum, clean ceiling fans, clean windows, and get rid of a bunch of stuff. Mostly Done. I have a little more to do. We hope to have all the cleaning completely finished tomorrow and then rest up and spend some time together as a family before the company arrives on Thursday. Windows are getting skipped until Fall or after the girls leave if we get a cool enough day.
- Clean and organize the basement in preparation for Sarah and Rose's visit. This is a huge job and will probably take more than one day. Mostly Done. Same as #1
- Wash windows in preparation for Sarah and Rose's visit. Outside of windows is getting skipped until Fall or after the girls leave if we get a cool enough day, we will wash the inside sills.
- Put more flowers in the front garden in preparation for Sarah and Rose's visit. Not Done and I have no idea if it will get done.
- clean the kitchen... many things to do in this room Mostly Done. Same as #1
- clean the living room... not as much to do here Mostly Done. Same as #1
- clean the bathrooms... need to do this just for us... but then again next week closer to Sarah and Rose's arrival. Not Done. This has a tendency to get dirty again fast and so we waited until closer to the girls arrival to clean the bathrooms.
- clean out the upstairs hallway... many books to move. Mostly Done. Same as #1
- clean, clean, clean... in preparation for Sarah and Rose's visit. Hopefully in the evenings when I am tired from cleaning I will have time to things in #10-15 but 1-9 are the most important though we do have a week and a half to get it all done. Mostly Done. Same as #1
- Get back to exercising. I got discouraged in the past 2 weeks and have been totally off my diet and have not been exercising. I am getting back to doing that today or tomorrow. I got stressed and discouraged and bought all kinds of junk food. So... time to pay the piper. I need to go weigh in to see how much damage I did to myself and then I need to get back to eating well and getting on the Wii. I got so discouraged I even took my weight ticker off my blog. I want to get that put back on also. Not Done. The basement was a mess all week and still is in the area where we do the Wii. That should be finished tomorrow and then I can get back to exercising.
- Post my summer goal list. I have it written out I just need to get typed up on my blog and then posted. Done. Click HERE to read the list if you missed it when it posted.
- Write my blog post about my favorite TOS product from this year Done. Click HERE to read the list if you missed it when it posted.
- Read. If you want to know what I am reading check my personal Shelfari in the left sidebar. I read some of My Father's World, the first book in the Journals of Corrie Belle Hollister, I am almost done reading it.
- Blog about the books I have finished reading and get them logged into my reading challenge pages. Not Done. Maybe I will get some time in the next few weeks... hopefully. I should get some time on Wednesday to do at least one book review.
- Get my pictures from Longwood Gardens posted on my blog. Not Done. I may work on that tonight and schedule them to post tomorrow and Wednesday, and maybe Thursday... I am not sure how many pictures there are and how many posts I will break it up into.
Here are my goals for this week:
- Finish cleaning the whole house and get it in tip top condition for our visitors on Thursday.
- Post pictures of my wonderfully clean home so everyone can see the differences all the work has made.
- Blog about the books I have read.
- Get my pictures from Longwood Gardens posted on my blog.
- Read.
- Get back to exercising.
- Our guests from Texas arrive on Thursday. Pray for them while they are on the airplane. They have never been on a plane before and have to change planes in Houston all by themselves. We will be glad when they are safely on the ground and in my daughters arms in Philadelphia.
- Last ladies Bible Study on Friday. Visit my mom Friday June 3rd to Monday June 6th. Take her to get her hair permed and I get mine cut. Take her to do a number of errands then maybe to church on Sunday depending on how she feels. She has not been to church since before she went to my brother's for Thanksgiving.

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