This is my update. I want to stay accountable for achieving my 2011 goals. I want to do better than last year. I want to remind myself what my goals are and keep working toward them.
The positive steps I have made with my goals this month have a
Personal Goals:
Spiritual - Be more consistent with my personal devotions.
Our church started a year long challenge to read through the Bible. We are using Daily Walk from Walk Thru the Bible. I am a little behind but not as far as I was. I am currently reading Hosea.
- Exercise more, more often and consistently. I would like to be much more fit by the end of 2011.
- Eat better and loose weight. I have been doing great on drinking my water.
- Read some books on homeschooling and other educational topics.
I finished reading:
- How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. For Your Kids by Rachael Carman
- The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller.
- I need to work on finishing:
- Promises, Promises: Understanding and Encouraging your Husband by the wives of 12 prominent Christian leaders. Challenging reading for marriage
- I will be starting a new book for Ladies Bible Study this Friday. I don't even remember the name of it. See my Goal Planning Monday post next week for details.
- Work on my own writing projects.
- Spend one afternoon at least every other week doing scrapbooking.
- Read some books for pleasure.
- Going to the Chapel (Tales From Grace Chapel Inn, Book 2) by Rebecca Kelly
- Recipes and Wooden Spoons Tales from Grace Chapel Inn, Book 3) by Judy Baer
- I am also reading Emma but that is slow going. I need to read some of this each week or I will not be getting all the Jane Austen books read this year.
- I started reading a Love's Long Journey but then my Grace Chapel books came in and I need to read them before they have to go back to the library.
- Continue blogging and remember it is supposed to be for fun and for the records for my family.Write more consistently on my blog at least 3 posts a week.
Homeschool Goals:
- Be more consistent on recording daily in our school log.
- Be consistent with reviewing the boys daily assigned work and making sure they complete everything assigned to them and then put the stuff away in the folders/notebooks where it belongs.
I am being consistent with reviewing the workboxes but the boys have not finished all 12 boxes most days. Tomorrow is another day.
- Complete the first half of my 3rd year on the TOS Homeschool Crew Review
- Get back to evening read aloud time with the boys.
I have still not been doing it. We are still on Little House in the Big Woods. I need to make it a priority at least 3 nights a week. I have not read to the boys since March. I need to talk to the boys about this. I need to get back to reading something to them. Either finish Little House in the Big Woods or pick something else.
- Get back to meal planning because meals are more varied and we will have the ingredients shopped for ahead of time.
- Spend more time with my dear husband
We went to a fountain show alone last week. It was a great night out. We need to plan something else but this weekend we are going up to PA to take my mom to get her hair permed and I get mine cut and she pays for it... so maybe next week or weekend. We have also been running errands together which is at least some alone time.
Hubby has promised to play games with me but we have not done it yet.
After watching The Grace Card a couple nights ago Hubby and I have been praying together before bed. It means so much to me. The first night he started, last night he seemed down and tired and so I started it... I didn't want to quit after only one night. We so need the prayers and the closeness I feel when we pray together.
- Spend time once a week with one of my kids, just mom and one of the kids having lunch in my bedroom alone and then doing whatever the child wants to do. Usually a combo of eating, talking and playing board games and/or computer games. Goal is one child a week, so they all get one afternoon with mom a month.Start with my youngest and schedule it on the calendar so I can keep track of who is next for their turn. We can add time on the Wii together now
- Original post for my Goals 2011
- Goals Update Feb. 1
- Yearly Goals Update - March
- Yearly Goals Update - April
- Yearly Goal Update - May
- I apparently missed a June update oops...
- Summer Goal list
- Yearly Goal Update - July
- Yearly Goal Update - August
all content on my blog is ©
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