Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goals 2011

Here are some quotes that sum up my reasons for making goals, my thoughts on why to make goals, my thoughts on not quite reaching the goals I set.
"The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them." Jim Rohn
"To reach a port, we must sail—Sail, not tie at anchor—Sail, not drift." Franklin Roosevelt
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia." Author Unknown
then this one...
"There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something." Henry Ford
So if I set goals and don't achieve them completely I have still made progress and must rejoice in that...

and then the Bible says...
 "Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that." James 1:13-15
So maybe I should not make goals at all??? I don't think that is what the Lord wants me to do.

the Bible also says...
"Where there is no vision, the people perish..."  Proverbs 29:18
I will make my goals and pray and then I will take each day the Lord gives and try to do the best I can with it, with his help, and grow and strive to reach my goals.

So I end with this quote...
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one"
Mark Twain
 ... and so I set larger goals and then break them down into what to do today... this week... to get started moving toward those goals.

Personal Goals:
  • Be more consistent with my personal devotions. The big goal would be to have personal devotions every single day in 2011 and not miss one! I would be so much closer to my Lord and Savior if I did that.
    • Our church will be starting a year long challenge to read through the Bible and I will joining that. It starts Jan 1. Unfortunately I will be behind before I even get started. I have missed many weeks of church due to sickness and so I don't have a book yet. I plan to start reading through the Bible by starting Genesis and then when I get my book I will see where I am... and get started on the plan the church is using. I hope to get my book this coming Sunday at church and then hope to be consistent in keeping up with it.
Health and Fitness 
  • Exercise more, more often and consistently. I would like to be much more fit by the end of 2011.
    • Start by using the Wii at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes and increase from there.
  • Eat better and loose weight. 
    • Start by drinking more water and making sure to eat more fruit throughout the day and veggies at lunch.
  • Read some books on homeschooling and other educational topics. 
    • Finish Reading: 
      • Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling
      • Cat and Dog Theology by Sjogren and Robison (we used this for summer Sunday School at our church)
      • Prodigal God by Timothy Keller. We are using this book and a video series for Growth Group. The whole church is doing this series right now, together.
  • Work on my own writing projects.
    • Work a little each week on the History Unit study projects I was working on or the E-book on Homeschool Organizing I was writing.
  • Spend one afternoon at least every other week doing scrapbooking.
    • First set aside time to clean off my table so I can scrapbook and then make time to actually scrapbook... do both before we start back to school on Thursday the 6th of January. Free Userbars
  • Read some books for pleasure. 
    • I am currently reading Written on the Wind by Judith Pella, but I am not sure what chapter I am on.
  • Continue blogging and remember it is supposed to be for fun and for the records for my family.
    • Write more consistently on my blog at least 3 posts a week.
      • I want to join back in on some meme's that are favorites... see my Memes tab at the top.
      • I want to start back to doing the Blog Cruise questions with my fellow Crew Mates at TOS. First post for 2011 is due Jan. 10th.
Homeschool Goals:
  • Be more consistent on recording daily in our school log. 
  • Be consistent with reviewing the boys daily assigned work and making sure they complete everything assigned to them and then put the stuff away in the folders/notebooks where it belongs. 
  • Complete the TOS Homeschool Crew Review Year.
    • Second year going well. Much less pressure and less reviews. Review are more spread out and thus more manageable.
Family/Relationship Goals:
  • Healthier Eating -more fruits and vegetables as a family... especially the boys. 
  • Exercise at home
    • Keep the boys working out on the Wii Fit or get them started on the Biggest Loser for the Wii... at least 30 min. a day Mon. - Friday.
  • More singing as a family
    • Work on new song for special music. I have not idea what the schedule will bring for 2011 I have not seen it yet. But we want to get started on a new song or two so that we are ready when we are supposed to sing.
    • I would like to find some other places for us to use our singing talents to serve the Lord.
  • Family evening read-aloud time more consistently. Needs work. We started reading Terrestria Chronicles book 1.
    • This is hubby's responsibility. I need to encourage him though. We have not been consistent in this area. I forget what book of the Bible we were reading and we are reading Terrestria Chronicles book 2 but should be further than that.
  • Get back to evening read aloud time with the boys.
    • I have not been doing it. I think we are still on Little House in the Big Woods. Make it a priority at least 3 nights a week.
  • Get back to meal planning because meals are more varied and we will have the ingredients shopped for ahead of time.
    • Plan January meals
  • Spend more time with my dear husband
    • Set up a date night soon.
    • Talk about a getaway sometime in Jan. or Feb. to make up for our catastrophe of a overnight when we went away for our Anniversary.
  • Spend time once a week with one of my kids, just mom and one of the kids having lunch in my bedroom alone and then doing whatever the child wants to do. Usually a combo of eating, talking and playing board games and/or computer games.
    • Start with my youngest and schedule it on the calendar so I can keep track of who is next for their turn. We can add time on the Wii together now. The kids like playing with someone for this. Maybe we should do some Wii time for New Years Eve too. It really is a good time and we enjoy it and I need to spend some time having fun with my kids.
So those are my goals for 2011. I plan to make a button and then post monthly, probably the end of each month, how I am doing. This will help me keep my goals in my mind better... as well as posting my goals on my desk. Happy New Year to you all. Thanks for reading and continuing to read my blog.
    all content on my blog is ©

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