Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thankful... Day 6

I am thankful for music. I especially like 4 kinds of music. These 4 kinds of music have been influential in my life and I hope I have passed a love for this music on to my children. 

First is classical music. We have always played classical music at our house and I have used it in our homeschooling since the beginning. I began to love classical music when I was in high school and my friend and her parents would take me to concerts in the park in Philadelphia. Then at college I had a class in Fine Arts and we had the opportunity to go into New York City, only 20 min. from my college, and see a number of performances. Here is one of my favorite pieces of classical music... I do have a "few" favorites though... lol. I choose this rendition because I love the pictures they used with the music.

The next music I like is hymns. I love the message of the hymns. I learned the hymns growing up in my church. My mom and I sang them in the car and at home. Now, I love to sing them in 4 part harmony with my family for special music at church, at talent shows that our homeschooling group has, and at nursing homes. We also like to go caroling to church members at Christmas.
This photo was from a few years ago at a homeschool talent show we participated in. You can see we have been singing together for a long time. Christopher is still little and Nathan is shorter than the girls... he is taller than them,and me, now.

My very, very favorite hymn sung by my favorite group.

Next is Patch the Pirate music. This is not hymns, though some of the songs are like hymns, this is not gospel/praise music. I had to put it in a category of it's own. I was first introduced to Patch the Pirate, Ron Hamilton, in the church I went to teach in in Salisbury, Maryland just after college. I have loved Patch since then. My kids all grew up with Patch, his kids, and their music. If you have never heard of Patch the Pirate I am happy to be the one to introduce him to you. Below you will find his testimony and then him singing the first song he wrote. I hope you enjoy it.

Patch's first song he wrote just after his eye surgery... still one of my favorites. I pray it ministers to your heart.

My very favorite Patch song is "Yours Forever" from The Custards' Last Stand. You can hear a part of the song if you click this link. Just click the little down arrow next to the song title in the mp3 player and choose song #2. My hubby and I sang this one Sunday at church. The Custard's Last Stand and The Great American Time Machine - CD are my favorite of all the Patch CD's.

If you are interested in getting some Patch the Pirate for you family check out 
Majesty Music. They are having a sale from now 'til January 3, 2012. Free CD offer - For every $35.00 of products ordered from the 2011 Christmas Sale catalog you may choose a FREE CD. Our kids still look forward to getting new Patch the Pirate CD's every year for Christmas and they are 25 to 14 years old now. Actually, I look forward to getting a new Patch CD or 2 each year for Christmas. My daughter has already been asking my hubby about this year's Patch music.

The last kind of music I like is Praise and Worship/Gospel. I like the Gaithers, the Gaither Homecoming DVD's; and Ernie Haas and Signature Sound. I also like some more recent praise music. I am grateful that, at our church, we sing both hymns and praise music each week. I like both.

This morning we sang one of my favorites at church so I thought I would share it with you. This song means a lot to me. We have had a lot of trials and a lot of changes in our lives in the past 7 years since my husband hurt himself. In fact we had a lot of trials in our lives financially and job wise. It comforts me to know I am in His hands. The Lord knows our path, because He is with us I know "All is well with my soul," even if I don't know all His plans for us.

Music speaks to my soul.
God made me that way.
I am thankful that there are song writers out there that can write words and the melodies to go with them that will speak peace and comfort to my soul, that speak of the Love I have for God and put it in a way that I can sing it to Him and lift up his name.

God Bless you.
Have a Great Week.
Be Thankful!

all content on my blog is ©

1 comment:

Chris said...

Music has always been a big part of our lives, thanks for the reminder. I'm going to try spending more time with music and less with tv. Love you sis!


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