Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful... Day 21 and 22

#21 - I am thankful to be able to support my husband through some tough times physically. He is used to it being me at the hospital, the birth of our 4 children and my gall bladder operation. He is used to being the supportive one, not the one who needs the support. I, also, am used to being the one being taken to all the Dr. appointments. The last few weeks have been stressful for us both, and for the kids too, I am sure. I am thankful to the Lord for each day we have together.... you never know what a day will bring forth. Court is now on two medications. He has a number of appointments with specialists and a bunch of tests to go through the next couple of weeks, including being put under for the first time ever. I will be there for each appointment. I will be the supportive one.

#22 - I am thankful for cookies and tea. To refresh me and calm me after a day out in the rain at the Dr.'s. Lovely Lemon Zinger Herbal Tea and some Sweetzels Spiced Wafers. The cookies must be dipped in the tea, also. Sweetzels are not my very favorite Spiced Wafers, my favorites are Ivans but I have not had any of them this year yet. They are only sold at Acme and we have not stopped at an Acme to get any. "Like" the Ivans' Facebook page -  and then add your comment to win a couple boxes for free once they get to 300 "likes" on their page. 

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