on her blog post Mommy Scouts had a great idea. Badges for Mom's instead of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. Below you will find the ones I get from her site with some comments. I did not do all the badge pictures, just a few, so to check out her post to see all the badges. You can leave a comment on her post as to which badges you have earned and what other badges you would like to see that you have earned.
I get the:
I survived selling our house and moving with a baby Merit Badge
I made it through an Emergency Room visit (or two) with my toddler in tow (one was on Mother's Day. My Toddler had fallen and bitten his lip through from inside to outside... ooooohhhh)
I let my toddler fingerpaint and I actually enjoyed it Merit Badge
Let him cry it out so that he will sleep through the night Merit Badge (I have 4 of these!! except two were girl babies)
I taught my child to read and write without losing my mind Merit Badge:

I taught my child to say "Please" and "Thank You" Merit Badge
Homeschooling Merit Badge:

I lost all my baby weight and fit back into my little black dress Merit Badge: ( I did this once after the first child but have failed since then. I am now working on loosing the baby weight again... but this time my baby is 12 years old!! LOL)
I can understand what my toddler is saying Merit Badge:Which, by the way, you get another one of these if you ever get to the point of understanding what your teenager is saying. (I get both of these)
I have a drama queen daughter Merit Badge
Tent Camping with kids Merit Badge (which only applies in a one room tent)

I took my child to big church Merit Badge (not only that but all 4 of our children go to adult Sunday School class with us and only two of them are adults)
I endured the glares of all other passengers and took a baby on a plane Merit Badge
I would love to add these:
I Homeschooled a Child from K-12 and We Both Survived Badge (actually I get two of these)
We Have Moved 7 Times and Lost a Lot of Things Badge
My Husband Has Changed Jobs at Least 8 Times and I Survived Badge
My Husband Injured Himself at Work and was Home All Day Every Day for 3 1/2 Years and I Put Up With Him Badge
Click the link below to go see all the badges and to comment if you want to. There were many there I have not earned, some I was glad not to have earned, and you will get to see al the pictures of the badges too.
Mommy Scouts
Have a Great Weekend,