One of the ladies on one of the blogs I read, Dawn at
For I Am Confident In This, posted that since it was halfway through January she wanted to do a check on herself for her goals for 2009 and how she was doing so far. I thought that was a great idea to keep myself accountable. Make sure you read all the way to the bottom... it is a sorta long post... if you want to see a link to something that has helped me greatly in keeping my goals. So here goes:
Personal Goals:Exercise more, more often and consistentlydoing ok on this one, exercised Mon-Fri last week and Sat. Huge grocery shopping so lots of walking, stooping, carrying and all over again to bring it all in the house and put it away.
Eat better and loose weightI have not weighed myself again yet to see if I have lost weight but I am slowly getting back on weight watchers. The Christmas cookies and candy are almost gone and I am working on getting Weight Watchers recipes back into my menu planning.
Be more consistent in my devotionsUnfortunately, this is one area I have not done well with so far this year. Jan 4th I started a plan to read through the Bible in 90 days. I thought if I could read to the boys for over an hour each day and read fiction books for longer than that I should be able to read my Bible for 45 min to an hour a day. I have done horribly I have only done 5 days out of 12. I am not giving up though and I am going to try to get caught up to.
Work on E-book I am trying to writeI have not touched this yet though on my Productivity chart. I have it listed for once a week... hopefully I will get to it this week.
Get back to weekly time with each of my kids, just mom and one of the kids having lunch in my bedroom alone and then doing whatever the child wants to do. Usually a combo of eating, talking and playing board games and/or computer games.I did my day with Jessica last week on Tuesday and am scheduled to have a day with Rachel on Friday this week so I am doing well with this goal.
Spend some time scrapbookingNope... not yet Goal to scrapbook at least one afternoon every two weeks.
Get back to doing my own personal copyworkNope... no copywork... I want to fit this in though. I guess if I was reading something challenging and not just “fluff” I would have something I want to copy. I am reading the Bible but the reading the whole Bible in 90 days schedule makes it difficult to do that as copywork.
Homeschool Goals:Get my son Nathan more organized and help him keep that wayWorking on this. Things are better but still need work. Need more organization for his school stuff... need to clean off the dining room shelves and make them for school stuff only!!! and keep it that way
Get the boys back on our daily "schedule"Well we decided on a time schedule for part of the day at least to keep us more accountable. We all wanted to get up together and eat together and get started in our day better. This is working wonderfully.
Our New Schedule: 7:00 am rise, shower if needed, dress, etc. 7:30 personal devotions 8:00 breakfast and clean up 8:30 start school – ds Nathan usually does typing since he has to do that on my computer and it is available since I am downstairs with other ds getting things ready for the school day. Ds Christopher usually does his Bible (Inductive Bible Study forKids not the same as devotions) and then whatever.
9:00-10:30 exercise 9:00 Nate on the Elliptical Walker Mom on the Bowflex Chris continues school 9:30 Chris comes and does Bowflex, Mom does Elliptical Walker Nate does school 10:00 Chris does Elliptical Walker Nate does Bowflex and I read Historical Fiction to them 10:30 History, then Science, then Art or Music Appreciation, then I read the book we have been using for copywork lately Wisdom and the Millers. Then we usually are at lunch time.
12:00 approximately we have lunch 12:30 Quiet time – each person in a different place in the house no one talking to each other doing something quiet.
1:00 finish up any school items not yet done... Sometimes we have an extra project like Unplugged or Think Challenge or other.
Then free time until dinner Then dinner about 5:00-5:30 Then clean up kitchen – chores Then family devotions and I read aloud to the family Then free time until bed some nights I read to the boys (Little House in the Big Woods right now)
Bedtime for the boys is 9:00 and for us later... sometimes much later!!! LOL
Get back to evening read aloud time with the boysMaking some progress... read to them last night and they really got into it and Dh who was also listening starting looking on Google Earth at the places the Ingalls and Laura and Almonzo lived.
Be more consistent on recording daily in our school log.Doing much better with this. Keeping up with it daily thanks to it being on my Productivity Chart
Read the two Henty novels to the boys that we were supposed to finish a long time ago and never did. We are partly done but never finished. One is For the Temple the other is the Young Carthaginian. I may only read For the Temple because ds got Young Carthaginian on audio for Christmas, I will have to make that decision later.No Progress – I need to put this on my Productivity Chart maybe that will help
Family Goals:Healthier EatingDoing well with this considering the way we were eating. Still making to many treats and still need to eat more fruit and veggies.
ExerciseDoing well on exercise, no walking at Winterthur yet... much to cold... in the single digits and teens. Soon it will be spring though... I can't wait
More singing as a familySoon, this will have to happen because we are scheduled to sing, Feb. 15th Valentine weekend, at church but we have not really sung together since we sang at the Christmas Eve Service at Church
Regular Personal Devotions for each family member and regular Family Devotions in the evening.Doing well making up the day for my 90 days through the Bible. Dh needs to be more consistent with evening family devotions.... need to pray about that.
Family evening read-aloud time more consistently.If we don't have devotions we don't read... soo... more prayer
Get back to meal planning and shopping more wisely because things are more planned and then we will not have to eat the same chicken every night! I am sick of the meals we have had lately.Going very well, much more variety in our meals and everyone is happier.
Well here it is... you can get the Productivity Chart that I use for tracking the goals I made by going a free habits course at this website. Her post tells you more about it and you can sign up for the course. It is free and the course is more to explain ways to use the chart. The course is only 10 days and comes by way of e-mail... I highly recommend it, it has helped me keep on track so far. Once you sign up for the course you can print one for the whole family. Leave me a comment if you sign up and let me know if it helps you.
Leave me a comment if you don't sign up, let me know how you are doing on your goals. Leave your blog link and I'll come read and comment on your blog
Keep on Keeping on.. especially with your goals.