Now on with the update...
The main goal is in bold and under that are the smaller steps to reaching those goals.
- Main Goal
- The updates will be here
- or here.. in purple.

Personal Goals:
Spiritual - Have personal devotions daily. First thing in the morning. I will read a book of the Bible (more in depth), read a Godly Christian book, take notes in a journal, listen to Christian music daily, and pray.
I have been reading How People Change for my daily devotions and there is a study guide also.
I started April off well, then got sick and missed a whole week. I got back to it and then missed another week. since just after the middle of the month I have been more consistent, especially this past week. I had not been doing well on listening to music, and praying but this past week I have made my devotions my first priority and made sure to add in the music and prayer I want and need to do daily.
- Read Godly books. Some will be for my devotions, some for Ladies Bible Study and some for Sunday School.
- Read as much as possible of the books I got for our Sunday
School study. How People Change and How People Change Study Guide: How Christ Changes Us by His Grace. Our Sunday school is on to other topics. I never completed the book and am concentrating on this for devotions until I get it done.
I have read chapter 5-7 in the book, I completed lesson 3 and 4 in the study guide (this goes with chapters 5 and 6 of the book) and I am working on lesson 5 (which goes with ch. 7 of the book). I am doing well on this and making good progress. I don't want to rush it because I want to learn and reap the many benefits the Lord has for me as I work through this. But, I want to do it daily and not skip so many days like I did in April.
I read chapters 15 of God's Priorities for Today's Woman. This finished this book. For the summer the ladies are taking turns and we are studying the women of the Bible. There will not be a book to read along with, only the Bible passages on that person.
- Read The Power of a Praying Wife and leave hubby a note for each chapter I read. He needs the extra prayers and encouragement. After I finish the book I will be reading it again. Not only does it encourage him but it encourages me and gives me hope when I know my God is working in our lives as I pray.
- Exercise more, more often and consistently. I would like to be much more fit by the end of 2012
- Start by using the Wii at least 3 days a week for 15 minutes and increase from there.
- Eat better and drink water. I hope by doing this and the exercising above I will be able to loose weight in 2012 AND keep it off! I want to finish strong and not gain back the weight I loose at the beginning of the year like I did this year.
- Drink 48-64 oz of water a day
Doing ok on this.
- Eat more fruit and veggies throughout the day.
Doing ok on this.
- Keep track of everything I eat in a food journal.
Not doing well with this. Need to not buy or eat so many sweets. Need to make WW dessert, especially the 1 point kind, and stay away from the non WW stuff. Giving in to snacks is really easy right now with the stress of my husband's continued unemployment and our quickly dwindling $$ from our tax return. When my hubby pays our bills this month we will have a few hundred for food and then that will be it! We are praying for God's provision.
- Read some books/magazines to expand my own education.
- Some will be the spiritual books I already told you about.
(See Spiritual)
- Some will be about homeschooling.
I started back to reading The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling. I started the month on page 228 and read up to 278. Progress! Yeah!
- Some will be books I read to the boys for school... I learn a lot also... more than I ever learned when I was in school.
Yup... Finished Reading:
- I may read a history book or 2 just for my own educational interest as well. This will have to wait for summer. I have to many other things I am reading, and I am spending time reading it to him or I am trying to keep up with the reading if I assign Christopher to read it silently.
- I also have a health and fitness book or 2 that I want to read.
- I finished reading Reshaping It All by Candace Cameron Bure in March. I don't have another fitness book I want to read right now. I need to concentrate on actually exercising.
- Spend one afternoon at least every other week doing scrapbooking.
I scrapbooked with paper 0 days in April. May will be better, I hope.
I won a digital scrapbooking program in March and I have added free stuff to it but I haven't used it for a while. I hope to actually buy some kits I want early in May and I plan to use the program and watch some of the tutorials from their Facebook page and also
- Read some books for pleasure.
- Continue blogging and remember it is supposed to be for fun and for the records for my family.
- Write more consistently on my blog at least 3 posts a week.
- I want to join back in on some meme's that are favorites... see my Memes tab at the top.
- I want to write some posts each month that are not linked to a meme. I want them to be interesting and informational for my readers.
Not Done. I have something I want to buy to enhance my blog... Blog Write Party I need some new ideas and I hope this will help. It has been 2 months since I said I was going to buy this. I plan on putting some of my money from my 50th birthday last year on gift card type thing so it will be easier to spend the $$ online. I have a few things I want to do with the $$ now and this is one of them.
- Get back to meal planning because meals are more varied and we will have the ingredients shopped for ahead of time. This is a personal goal. If the family joins me that is fine if not I will still do it.
- I have a few projects for our home that I want to accomplish. I would like to do a few of the projects for the home that I have saved on Pinterest.
Nope... not yet. Maybe in May... summer vacation for sure.
Homeschool Goals:
- Continue being consistent on recording daily in our school log.
- Be consistent with reviewing the boys daily assigned work and making sure they complete everything assigned to them and then put the stuff away in the folders/notebooks where it belongs.
- Check periodically on the boys hours for school. I must do this especially for Nathan to make sure he has the credit he needs in a couple of his extra subjects in order to graduate.
Done. Nathan is working on the classes he has to finish for graduation. He has more to do but is making progress. I don't think he will be done his hours by the last day of school this year, but he will get done and graduate.
- Complete Nathan's Sr. Year. Complete his transcript. Have his graduation ceremony. Next school year, which starts in July 2012 I will only have one student! That will be weird and I am sure we will have to make adjustments.
Nope... a few more weeks to go.
- Spend more time with my dear husband
- Set up a date night/afternoon soon.
Hubby took me to Longwood again, just him and I. He wanted to go take some pictures of the tulips. We went on a Monday with the whole family but Wed. she decided just he and I would go. It started raining on our way there but we did the conservatory first and then it stopped raining. We went out and took some pictures of the tulips before heading home. It was a great day.
Last Friday, the 27th, we went to PA and took my mom to her hair appointment. Then she paid for us to all eat out. Then we went back to her place and hung out while I did a few things for her. After washing and drying some clothes for her Court helped me fold some of her laundry and I got in her drawers. Then for the evening we went to a marriage seminar. We weren't going to go because it was up in PA but it was on our way home, God worked that out, it cost us no more gas (and my mom had given us money for gas for coming up to take her to the hair appointment) so we got to go. It was a great night!
- Set up a dinner in our bedroom just for us to spend the evening like I did a couple times before... in order to do this I must clean up my bedroom first.
Nope... I want to do this soon. Hopefully I can, now that I am feeling better.
- Spend time once a week with one of my kids, just mom and one of the kids doing whatever the child wants to do. Usually a combo of eating, talking and playing board games, computer games, or on the Wii.
- Start with my youngest and schedule it on the calendar so I can keep track of who is next for their turn. Goal is one child a week and then a week off. Sometimes the kids don't have time or won't make time to spend with me. Sometimes I will skip that child and go on to the others. Sometimes I will just wait until the next week. Perfection in scheduling is not the goal. The goal is to spend time having fun with my kids.
Yup! Finally spent some time with my kids. On Saturday evening Jessica cut the boys hair. While she was doing that Rachel and I played on the Wii. Then when Jessica was done cutting hair she came down and she and I played on the Wii. It was a fun night with my dd's.

If you made/make/want to set goals and link up, just choose the size you want and copy the code from the little box beneath it. Past the code in your blog post at the top then write your goals. Tell you friends to click the button at the top of your post so others know how to join us if they want to.
At the bottom of the post I will provide a linky so you can join up and I can see your goals and how you are doing. If no one joins me that is fine too. I am doing this mostly for myself.

- Yearly Goals 2012 ~ Goal Setting for the Year
- Yearly Goals 2012 ~ How did January go?
- Yearly Goals 2012 ~ How was February?
- Yearly Goals 2012 ~ March Forth

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