Monday, January 31, 2011

Goal Planning Monday

It is late and almost not Monday anymore but I wanted to get this post up for a new meme a TOS Crew Member is starting. I am really trying to work on my yearly goals this year and to do so I need to set smaller goals in order to meet them. So I am joining this new meme Goal Planning Monday. Katrina hopes to get a button made for the meme next week... until then we just have to put our goals on our blogs and link up.

My goals for this week are:
  1. Get my goals updated and posted tomorrow. I also wanted to get a button made for my goals updates< I plan to do that tomorrow as well as update my goals and get them posted. I want to keep myself accountable to actually accomplish my yearly goals so I want to post and update them the first of each month.
  2. I am embarrassed to say one of my goals for this week, hopefully also tomorrow, is to get our Christmas decorations down. I have to wait for my hubby to get the boys to get the boxes and tubs back out of the attic and then we can get things all organized. He was waiting because he planned to do some minor construction in the attic, but I suggested it should wait until spring when it is not so cold in the attic... he agreed. Also, he promised to get them down before Valentines day gets here!
  3. Exercise at least 2 more times this week as I already exercised today.
  4. Spend some time one afternoon this week with my youngest son doing whatever he wants to do for a couple hours, just him and I. That may include playing on the Wii, playing a computer game, playing a board game or anything else he can think of... it is usually one of the things I listed though.
  5.  Work on one of my e-book writing projects.
If you would like to join us in writing down your weekly goals and striving to meet them then go to post the list on your blog and go to Goal Planning Monday to link up.

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Blast From The Past - Christopher 1989

Click the Blast From The Past Rules tab above to see the rules for my meme if you are a first timer or if you forget the rules. Please join me. My linky needs some links... don't leave it and me, lonely.

This picture is special.
Not just because my son has an adorable look on his face but...
because the jacket he is wearing was also worn by my husband when he was a little boy.
It is one of only a few possessions he has from his childhood.
Adorable boy in a cute little jacket.
Everybody say Awwwwww!

I had to go with a link list for now. All the thumbnail link tools I have used are switching to a paid subscription, so I have to talk to hubby about that...
If you know of a linking tool that lets you use thumbnail links for free please leave me a comment.
...for now click the "Add your link" bar and add your link...

Link up to this Week's Blast From The Past

1. @ Tumbleweed News  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

all content on my blog is ©

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Spirit Filled Sunday - All Is Well

All is Well
~Robin Marks~
He makes us rich and poor
That we might trust Him more
Whatever is His way
All is well

All my changes come from Him
He who never changes
I’m held firm in the grasp
Of the Rock of all ages

All is well with my soul
He is God in control
I know not all His plans
But I Know I’m in His hands

all content on my blog is ©

Saturday, January 29, 2011

52 Books in 52 Weeks - Written on the Wind and Lion of the North

Written on the Wind (Daughters of Fortune, Book 1)Written on the Wind (Daughters of Fortune, Book 1) by Judith Pella
This was an exciting book. I liked it a lot. I classify it as a Christian, historical fiction, romance, drama, novel. How do you like that description. The book is set in 1941. The main characters are three females members of one family. One is journalist who travels through Europe during the war, one is a singer, one a college student. Her family, a few collegues and boyfriends are the supporting characters.The main part of the book takes place in Russia during 1941 when Hitler was invading. The plot was exciting and kept me reading. The Christian part of the story is not very strong yet. The mother of the girls is a Christian and the youngest daughter is also.I have ordered book 2 of the series from the library and I am looking forward to it coming in and to getting to read it. My library has all 4 of the books in this series and so I plan to read them all in the coming month or so.

The Lion of the NorthThe Lion of the North: A Tale of the Times of Gustavus Adolphus and the Wars of Religion by G.A. Henty
My boys and I love G.A. Henty. His book are historically accurate and the main character is always a moral guy that you would want for a hero for your boys. This book is about the first half of the Thirty Years War (1618-48) . The hero sixteen-year-old Malcolm Graheme is a Scottish young man and he, along with many of his countrymen sign up to fight in the army of the great Swedish King, Gustavus Adolphus. In the disciplined ranks of the Scotch Brigade we also meet Mackay, Hepburn, and Munro, every one of them a hero, and destined for greatness. Malcolm Graheme is right in the middle of things, finding himself in adventure after adventure as they fight their way across Germany. With daring and courage, Malcolm outwits and outfights his opponents, goes “undercover” as a clockmaker, rescues a maiden, and... I won't tell you how it ends.

George Alfred Henty (1832-1902) is getting popular with homeschool boys and hence homeschool mom's. Henty's stories follow a brave and upright young man through a series of adventures during great historical happenings (usually great happenings of British history). Teaching lessons largely contrary to today's world including bravery, daring, military service, etc. So, if you are interested in historical fiction set during the Thirty Years' War, then I highly recommend this book to you... and it's sequel Won by the Sword: A Story of the Thirty Years' War.

Other versions for sale at Amazon
The Lion of the North 
The Lion of the North: A Tale of the Times of Gustavus Adolphus and the Wars of Religion

The Lion Of The North
Lion of the North Audio
The Lion of the north: A tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus and the wars of religion
The lion of the North, a tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus and the wars of religion
The Lion of the North: A Tale of the Times of Gustavus Adolphus Kindle edition

So that is book number 2 and book number 3 of 52 for the year. Here is my Reading 2010 - 52 Books in 52 Weeks page I also added them to my Reading 2010 - 100+ Books Challenge page. Some other books have been added to the 100 books in a year list that don't count here because they are juvenile. For the 100+ book challenge I am up to 6/100. I have also added one book to my Reading 2010 - Winners Challenge because one of the books I read to the boys was by award winning writer Jean Fritz.

Note: book links are affiliate links... if you click on the link and make a purchase I get a small portion of the sale. I use this credit to buy homeschool books for us.

all content on my blog is ©

Snowfall January 26, 2011

a bit of bokeh

Love the orange glow from the street lights.

A little to dark but still cool.

Stop Sign at the end of of our street is totally covered with snow!

This one was taken without the flash. It is still snowing but you can't see the flakes as well. 
I like it though, It looks so peaceful.
We ended up getting about 10 inches. My mom/sister got  about 15 in PA.
Thursday there was lots of this...
going on.
Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the boys shoveling us out.

all content on my blog is ©

Friday, January 28, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up January 28, 2011

NOTE: Links are Affiliate Links from If you purchase from my links I get a small portion of the sale. Multiple links go to the same book just different entries and prices.

We had a pretty good week. Today was especially Fun. See what we did:
 Mon. - Thursday
Bible Study Course, New Testament: The Dallas High Schools, September, 1946
Squanto, Friend Of The Pilgrims (Scholastic Biography)
History this week:
 Read pg 40-112. (started it last week)

We read chapter 1-9 so far. Hubby ordered this for us recently since the boys were enjoying reading Pilgrim Stories: From Margaret Pumphrey's Pilgrim Stories as individual silent reading.
Won by the Sword: A Story of the Thirty Years' War
Pilgrim Project Pack E-book (not an amazon affiliate link) Did activity 13 and 14 this week. Son Nathan prefers Notebooking pages so he did the same info as the activities except on notebook pages.
Historical Fiction this week:

Light (TOPS Learning Systems, 36 Task Card Activities, Task Card Series, Grades 6-11)
Science this week:
Light (TOPS Learning Systems, 36 Task Card Activities, Task Card Series, Grades 6-11) We did Experiments 30-34 which finishes the TOPS Light book and finishes the Light part of our study of Physical Science.
Exploring the World of Physics: From Simple Machines to Nuclear Energy 
Wednesday we started studying Heat by reading chapter 6 of Exploring the World of Physics: From Simple Machines to Nuclear Energy
Great Science Adventures the World of Light And SoundThursday we did Lesson 13 "What is Heat?" from Great Science Adventures the World of Light And Sound

Other Subjects:
Poems for memorizationThe boys also did Math and Language in their normal books. If you are interested in knowing what they are check out my Resources for 2010-2011 School Year page (see tabs at the top).

For Composer study we are finishing up Vivaldi.
For Artist study we are finishing up Caravaggio.
For Hymn Study we are doing "Oh God Our Help In Ages Past"
The Successful Homeschool Family HandbookFor Poetry Study we did "Borrowed" The link takes you to a page with the poem, we got it from our book Poems for memorization

The boys also worked out on the Wii a few times this week.

The Game of Pilgrim's ProgressProf. Noggin's Outer Spacethe boys did their Math and did their assignment for IEW Writing and then we played games. We played a Pilgrim game I printed and revised from an extension to an HOAC Lapbook. We also played Professor Noggin's Outer Space and The Game of Pilgrim's Progress

Then we made Pizza and watched

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)
and Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

To join Weekly Wrap-Up click the button at the top of the post or go to Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers - Weekly Wrap-up

all content on my blog is ©

NOTE: Links are Affiliate Links from If you purchase from my links I get a small portion of the sale. Multiple links go to the same book just different entries and prices.


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