Time to write some goals and strive to accomplish them this coming week??
The Goal Planning Monday link up has moved. I am proud to announce that the creator of GPM is putting it on hiatus on her blog and is going to allow me to host it here in the meantime. So I will be working on a new button but for now you can use the old buttons and just link it up to my site here... http://debbiesdigest.blogspot.com/search/label/Goals
For more information about Goal Planning Monday click the link to go to my directions page (taken from Katrina's original directions) - Goal Planning Monday
Today is Memorial Day. My father died on Memorial Day in 1976. I was only 14 years old. My, how I miss him. This year we will go up to PA, pick up one of my daughters that is helping take care of her grandmother, go to the parade in my hometown, then visit my father's grave. After that we are going back to my sister's house for lunch. My girls are staying with my mom until next Monday.
My top priorities are marked with a *
My goals for this coming week:
Spiritual Goals
- *Morning Devotions - including Bible reading, prayer, listening to music and reading a spiritual
book. Read through Proverbs each month. Prayer will be a focus this year as that is my word for 2013. I am reading Praying God's Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds by Beth Moore Done
- Keep up with my Hello Mornings group the best that I can. Not Done
- Participate in the Joy Dare in 2013. Writing down 3 things each day that are gifts from God, things to be thankful for totaling more than 1000 gifts in 2013. Not Done
- No homeschool goals at this time. We are done school for the year. I will have some goals later this summer but for the next 2 weeks I will not be worrying about that.
- *Exercise at least 3 days 15 min each time. I hope to work up to doing much more than this. It is time to get serious about my health. Hubby has already started working on his diet, though he can't exercise until after he gets his other stent in. I am starting also. Partly Done
- Make at least one Weight Watchers meal/dessert/snack. Not Done
- Eat fruit and veggies and drink water. Done

- Comment on everyone's blog that links up to the Goal Planning Monday linky. Done - I am counting this as done because I would have done it if anyone linked up.
- Post reminder and future themes for Think Back Thursday on Wed. Done
- Post Think Back Thursday. Done
- Comment on each person's post that links up for Think Back Thursday. Done
- *Post some good content on my blog. Done
- Link up to a few good linkies/memes that I used to enjoy. Done
Personal/Other Goals
- *Read. Done - I got a lot of reading done this week.
- Save files to my external drive. Not Done
- Take my daughters up to stay with my mom for 12 days while my sister is away. Done
- Spend time with my hubby and boys while my girls are at my mom's. I will miss them, a lot, but I want to take this time to spend some special time with my boys, especially Christopher who will be home all day while Nathan works. Done
My goals for this coming week:
Spiritual Goals
- *Morning Devotions - including Bible reading, prayer, listening to music and reading a spiritual
book. Read through Proverbs each month. Prayer will be a focus this year as that is my word for 2013. I am reading Praying God's Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds by Beth Moore
- Keep up with my Hello Mornings group the best that I can.
- Participate in the Joy Dare in 2013. Writing down 3 things each day that are gifts from God, things to be thankful for totaling more than 1000 gifts in 2013.
- No homeschool goals at this time. We are done school for the year. I will have some goals later this summer but for the next 2 weeks I will not be worrying about that.
- *Exercise at least 3 days 15 min each time. I hope to work up to doing much more than this. It is time to get serious about my health. Hubby has already started working on his diet, though he can't exercise until after he gets his other stent in. I am starting also.
- Make at least one Weight Watchers meal/dessert/snack.
- Eat fruit and veggies and drink water.

- Comment on everyone's blog that links up to the Goal Planning Monday linky.
- Post reminder and future themes for Think Back Thursday on Wed.
- Post Think Back Thursday.
- Comment on each person's post that links up for Think Back Thursday.
- *Post some good content on my blog.
- Link up to a few good linkies/memes that I used to enjoy.
Personal/Other Goals
- *Read.
- Save files to my external drive.
- Spend time with my hubby and boys while my girls are at my mom's. I will miss them, a lot, but I want to take this time to spend some special time with my boys, especially Christopher who will be home all day while Nathan works.
- Do 2 digital scrapbook pages for my CT job for Cyber Digi Scraps.
- Added - Post Yearly Goals May update
- Added - Post May Reading Goal update

all content on my blog is ©
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