Thursday, January 21, 2010

Topic Sentences and Writing a Paragraph

I have been following FiveJ's blog for a while now. I have always wanted to do her meme - Thirsty Thursday. Today I have just the thing to submit for her meme.

This morning I was looking at my son's writing book. He is having trouble with writing topic sentences. So I looked at the links I had in my bookmarks and found nothing that would help. Next step... Google!

I found this great site with step by step help for writing sentences and paragraphs. We went over this together and then I assigned him to write a paragraph on one of the topics at the bottom of the page.

This is the main site:
This is the site with the sentence and paragraph mini-lesson:

There is also some help on this squidoo lens that I saved and have looked at recently. This is all about writing without using a purchased curriculum. I hope one of these sites helps you out.

If you want to participate in Thirsty Thursday you can go to or click the link in the sidebar.



Joy @ Five J's said...

Thanks so much for the Squidoo link. I've only recently become aware of the great resources available through the Squidoo lenses.

And thanks for participating!

Lee said...

Thanks too for the Squidoo link. From there I downloaded a scope and sequence for PA, my home state so far away at the moment.


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