Sunday, November 14, 2010

Spirit Filled Sunday - "Through"

When I saw what lay before me, Lord, I cried what will you do?
I thought He would just remove it. But He gently led me through.
Without fire there's no refining, without pain no relief,
Without flood there's no rescue, without testing no belief.
Through the fire, through the flood, 
through the water, through the blood.
Through the dry and barren places, 
through life's storms and situations.
Through the pain, and through the Glory, 
through it all we'll tell the story, 
of the God who's power and mercy
will not fail to take us through.

Wow, what a powerful message. Thank you Lord that you are there to be with me THROUGH it all. I pray that my life and lips tell the story of you God, whose power and mercy have taken me through. Amen

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