Time to write some goals and strive to accomplish them this coming week??
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after you read my goals.
Life throws us unexpected curves. God allows these things to come into our lives. Nothing about our lives comes as a surprise to God, though it often does for us. This week my husband came in to Ladies Bible Study just as we were letting out to tell me my mother was in the hospital. We were supposed to go, that afternoon, and pick her up for her to come to our house for a week. This news through me for a loop. I know she is getting older and more things were going on with her, after all she is 89. But, non the less this added stress to my already stressful life. She was admitted to the hospital and is still there. The Dr.'s are still not sure what is wrong with her, though they did find a urinary tract infection. She is having more tests today. She is expected to go to rehab, for at least a week, to try and help with her dizziness. She was dizzy even sitting in her recliner, just moving her head. They still have no conclusive proof of what this is. Also, my sister and I noticed slurred speech, and they noticed it at the hospital, so she could have had a TIA (
http://www.webmd.com/stroke/tc/transient-ischemic-attack-tia-topic-overview) but there was nothing on the MRI. The Dr.'s said the urinary tract infection could have caused the dizziness. I looke on the Internet and did not find dizziness listed for symptoms of urinary tract infection. I think they are grasping at straws because they just don't know. They gave her some intravenous antibiotics yesterday. We will see if the tests today show anything. She is less dizzy, not dizzy at all when sitting now, but still more dizzy than usual when they get her up to try and walk with a walker. Please pray for her, and for me, my family, the extended family. Especially my sister as she helps make decisions about my Mom's care.
My Goals from last week and how I did:
Spiritual Goals
- Devotions daily - for the next few weeks, or however long it takes, I will be doing How People Change and How People Change Study Guide: How Christ Changes Us by His Grace. I have wanted to work on this and have not had the extra time. It has a lot of scripture, especially in the homework of the Study Guide. I will not be writing in my journal. I will be writing in the study guide. Partly Done - I missed one day, I think.
- Finish reading Reshaping It All. Partly Done - I read one chapter, but have 2 more to go.
- Listen to Godly Music Daily, as part of my morning Devotions. Partly Done
- Read Power of a Praying Wife and leave hubby a note for each chapter I read. He needs the extra prayers and encouragement.
Not Done
- Read God's Priorities for Today's Woman ch. 13 "The Art of Showing Kindness" for Ladies Bible Study this coming Friday. Done
Homeschool Goals
- Keep Christopher doing all 12 workboxes and Nathan doing all his school. We discovered, after a family conflict, that Nathan is finished a couple of subjects as far as his required hours. So he is concentrating on the subjects he has left. Done - Christopher Not Done - Nathan, though Nathan has less to do each day he has not been doing it. It is his school work and when he is done he can graduate...even if that doesn't happen until September or January. I am just sick of nagging him about it.
- Keep up with logging in the boys work and grading as we go through the week. Not Done Things were crazy on Friday with my mom being in the hospital and even over the weekend. I did not get anything done that I had planned to do on Sat. or Sunday. Saturday I just didn't feel like doing much of anything and just watched movies with my kids and played on my computer. Sunday we went to PA to visit my Mom in the hospital and that pretty much took up all day. When we came home it was dinner time and then we watched some more movies. I will catch up with logging stuff in today and tomorrow.
Blog Goals
- Post Blast From The Past on Tuesday. Done
- Join in some favorite memes that I like to do and try and leave comments on a few blogs of those who link up. I will not be tracking my linking up but want to do it to encourage others to comment on my blog as well. Done
Personal/Other Goals

- Comment on all the other GPM ladies posts. Keep track of their names with links here so I know whose I have done. Partly Done - I commented at our hostesses blog @ Mama Manuscripts, I never did go back and comment on the other participants.
- Log books into Book Collector software. I am working on my personal fiction books. Not Done
- Read, Read, Read! I will be linking up my reading this year to I am currently reading a number of things... for personal, fun, fiction reading I am reading The Hidden Flame (Acts of Faith, Book 2). I have some books to read for History and I may also read parts of Emma by Jane Austen. Done - I read a bunch of The Hidden Flame in the car on Sunday. I also read a History book to Christopher last week for school. He finished it on Friday while I was at Ladies Bible Study, but I still have the last 2 chapters to read this week.
- We are back to sharing the meals and chores. Make sure the kids keep up with chores and cooking. The others are not required to meal plan but they are encouraged to do so. Rachel has all her March meals planned, the others don't and didn't plan in Feb. either. Partly Done -The house is really a mess right now. We have not been doing well on chores this week. We also have not been doing the Saturday chores and need to figure out what to do about that. It is also just about time for some spring chores... like washing windows.
- Scrapbook. I want to do both paper scrapbooking and spend some time playing with my new Scrapbook software, My Memories. Partly Done - I worked on the My Memories scrapbook software, but I was planning on paper scrapbooking on Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Oh well, I still have 2 weeks in March to get some done.
- Go to PA on Friday and get my mom for a week's visit at our home while her bathroom is worked on. Not Done - She is not coming due to the hospital visit and rehab.
For this week that is 5 Done, 6 Partly Done, and 5 Not Done. Not bad considering the way the week ended.
My goals for this coming week:
Spiritual Goals
- Devotions daily - for the next few weeks, or however long it takes, I will be doing How People Change and How People Change Study Guide: How Christ Changes Us by His Grace. I have wanted to work on this and have not had the extra time. It has a lot of scripture, especially in the homework of the Study Guide. I will not be writing in my journal. I will be writing in the study guide.
- Finish reading Reshaping It All.
- Listen to Godly Music Daily, as part of my morning Devotions.
- Read Power of a Praying Wife and leave hubby a note for each chapter I read. He needs the extra prayers and encouragement.
Homeschool Goals
- Keep Christopher doing all 12 workboxes and Nathan doing all his school. We discovered, after a family conflict, that Nathan is finished a couple of subjects as far as his required hours. So he is concentrating on the subjects he has left.
- Keep up with logging in the boys work and grading as we go through the week.
Blog Goals
- Post Blast From The Past on Tuesday.
- Join in some favorite memes that I like to do and try and leave comments on a few blogs of those who link up. I will not be tracking my linking up but want to do it to encourage others to comment on my blog as well.
Personal/Other Goals
- Comment on all the other GPM ladies posts. Keep track of their names with links here so I know whose I have done.
- Log books into Book Collector software. I am working on my personal fiction books.
- Read, Read, Read! I will be linking up my reading this year to I am currently reading a number of things... for personal, fun, fiction reading I am reading The Hidden Flame (Acts of Faith, Book 2). I have some books to read for History and I may also read part of Emma by Jane Austen.
- We are back to sharing the meals and after dinner chores. Make sure the kids keep up with chores and cooking. The others are not required to meal plan but they are encouraged to do so. Rachel has all her March meals planned, the others don't and didn't plan in Feb. either.
- Figure out what to do about the Saturday chores and get at least some of them done.
- Scrapbook. I want to do both paper scrapbooking and spend some time playing with my new Scrapbook software, My Memories.
Do you have any goals for the week? Post your goals and link up. The button at the top will take you to the meme and you can join up with us. I have been doing this for more than a year now and setting weekly goals is really helping me keep focus and achieve more. Have a great week.
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