Time to write some goals and strive to accomplish them this coming week??
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after you read my goals.
This was not a good week for goals. Thursday night last week my hubby was taken to the hospital... in an ambulance. It was a harrowing experience. I cannot go into details... they are too personal. Suffice it to say I have not had that much adrenaline pumping through my body in a long time... if ever.. and there was a lot of blood. After the ambulance left with him I had to calm down. I had to drive to the hospital, so we would have a way home. My oldest daughter (age 25) went with me, the 2 middle kids were up and comforting each other (ages 22 and 17), the youngest (14) slept through the whole thing. We got home about 4:30 in the am with no diagnosis but the problem seemed to be corrected. They gave him antibiotics and we have a appointment with a specialist on Nov. 9th. For now things seem fine, but we have no idea what caused the problem.
Friday we slept and rested. Friday night we all slept fine... we were exhausted.
Saturday night dd 22 and I did not get to sleep until 4:30 again... due to worry, upset or just hungry stomachs, and my sinuses were killing me.
Sunday we went to church but missed Sunday school.
Today it was back to school, but we started late and did not get everything done. Hopefully the rest of the week will be smoother and uneventful.
All that to say... many of my goals will be marked Not Done this week... and now you know why.
My Goals from last week and how I did:
Spiritual Goals
- Keep up with Reading the Bible in a Year. Not Done
- Read Power of a Praying Wife and leave hubby a note for each chapter I read. He needs the extra prayers and encouragement. Homeschool Goals. Not Done
- Read Chapter 4 of God's Priorities for Today's Woman for Ladies Bible Study on Friday. I don't want to wait 'til the last minute for this, so I want to get it done this week, though we don't meet again until Nov. 4th. Not Done
- Keep homeschooling and make sure the boys do all 12 workboxes every day or no computer time. Not Done
- Read aloud to the boys... this counts toward my 100 books in a year goal. Done
- Work on my History plans for later in the year. Done
- Fulfill my goals for Weightloss Wednesday. This is a new meme I am doing and I should fulfill the goals by Wed. I will not be listing Health and Fitness Goals on my GPM list anymore.... just check out my Weightloss Wednesday post if you are interested.
- Get my Blast From The Past post done and posted. Come back and see my family photos and link up later today. Not Done
- Work on, and get posted, a post that is not a meme. Not Done
- Post at least 3 more times this week, not counting this post but including the goals 1 and 2. Not Done
- Comment on all the other GPM ladies posts. Keep track of their names with links here so I know whose I have done. Not Done
- Read, Read, Read! I am making progress on my read 100 books in a year goal but I still need to read a bunch more. I am currently reading Love's Abiding Joy. Done I finished Love's Abiding Joy and now I am reading the next book in the series... Love's Unending Legacy.
- Log books into the Book Collector software so I can get them out of the hallway and out of my bedroom. Not Done
- Finish straightening my bedroom. Not Done
- Scrapbook! I really want to do this, this coming weekend. Not Done
- One on One time with Jessica. Done
My goals for this coming week:
Spiritual Goals
- Catch up in my Reading the Bible in a Year.
- Read Power of a Praying Wife and leave hubby a note for each chapter I read. He needs the extra prayers and encouragement. Homeschool Goals.
- Read Chapter 4 of God's Priorities for Today's Woman for Ladies Bible Study on Friday. I don't want to wait 'til the last minute for this. I need to read it tomorrow.
- Keep homeschooling and make sure the boys do all 12 workboxes every day or no computer time.
- Read aloud to the boys... this counts toward my 100 books in a year goal.
- Work on my History plans for later in the year.
- Compile the hours that the boys have done for each subject of school so far this year so they know how much they have accomplished and how much more they need to do.... especially important for Nathan because he is graduating this year.
Blog Goals
- I have my Blast From The Past ready for tomorrow and I like knowing that I worked on it more than a week ago and it is all ready to post tomorrow. I want to work on all the Blast From The Past posts for Nov. and have them all ready to go way ahead so it is a pleasure to do them and not so much of a chore.
- Work on, and get posted, a post that is not a meme.
- Post at least 3 more times this week, not counting this post but including the goals 1 and 2.
- Post daily for the 30 Days of Thanksgiving / Gratitude Challenge.
- Comment on all the other GPM ladies posts. Keep track of their names with links here so I know whose I have done.
- Read, Read, Read! I am making progress on my read 100 books in a year goal but I still need to read a bunch more. I am currently reading Love's Unending Legacy (Love Comes Softly Series #5)
. I don't think I will make 100 books, since tomorrow starts Nov., but I will not quit. I will read as much as I can.
- Finish straightening my bedroom.
- One on One time with Rachel.
- Saturday we have the Fall Festival at our church. It was supposed to be last Saturday but was canceled due to rain, freezing rain, snow, and sleet. It was a mess here on Sat. If they had not cancelled it we would have missed it. We decided not to go because of my husband's incident... the it was postponed to this coming Sat. So dd Rachel will be baking for the bake-off and some of the family will be volunteering.

How about you? Do you have any goals for the week? Post your goals and link up. The button at the top will take you to the meme's label and you can join up with us.

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