Post 3 - Decorating for Christmas... now I am all caught up.
instead of going out early to the Black Friday Sales we put up our tree and decorate for Christmas
In These Green Tubs...
comes some of the "magic" that makes the Christmas season special for us...
The Decorations!!
The Tree
Making it just right!
Some closeups of favorite ornaments
The Life of Christ in ornaments
Baby Jesus, Hammer (Carpenter) {hard to see below the fish to the right of the Bible}, Dove, Word of God, Bread and Fishes, Cross
Snowmen (bendable rubber material)
Rachel's Elephant
I love bears!
I made these last year.
I made these too... I love them... they are all from the same collection... everyone picked the one they wanted.
Ty Beanies and Pooh
"Charlie Brown Christmas" show
Veggie Tales
I made these
everyone has a different color vest
Love the penguins...
there are three of them.
Precious Moments
Snowman Baker
Other Decorations
Bears and a Snowman next to the coat closet
Wreaths and a Snowman by the front door.
Rachel added some red bead garland to the wreath and it spruced it up...
I need to get a close-up of it.
Oh, and the bells on the doorknob, too.
I decided to feature the 12 Days of Christmas ornaments my sister-in-law made for us by putting them on the wall. I bought the red bead garland to put them on. Rachel and Nathan worked on the best way to display them and the best way to hand the beads on the wall.
Rachel decided to add bells between the ornaments and...
That turned out great!
Reindeer on the lampshade
Changing the bears that I usually have on these shelves to the Christmas Stuffed Animals...
bears and some other animals.
Getting the cord set up for the Bethlehem Scene
Wreath with musical church
Advent Calender
No ornaments on the advent calender yet... first one on Wed...
the ornaments are felt.
I will post another picture later with the ornaments.
I made this.
Jessica and Christopher adding cut outs and beads on string to our shelves.
oh and now you can see all the stuffed animals on this shelf
Are you decorating or watching White Christmas???
Love this...
Bringing Christmas and Easter together...
The Reason for the Season...
Jesus came to earth...
so he could die for our sins and bring us into right relationship with God the Father...
so we could live for all eternity... praising his name in heaven.
The whole bookshelf and wall with Bethlehem lit up.
The Tree
Piano with decorations.
On the piano: a manger, porcelain bunny family dressed for Christmas,
bears galore, snowmen, big angel dolls, and more.
Decorating done.

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