Sorry this is late getting posted.
I had a hard time getting the photos from my daughter Jessica.
She took all these photos for me. I was busy being hostess of the party.
Thanks Jessica.
As I said the theme is
It was a happy and sad day for me.
In some ways it still seems unreal to me that Nathan graduated.
I have 3 children that have graduated from our homeschool and only one more child to teach, only 3 more years to go.
I will be sharing a very recent graduation this time... not old photos...
since my 3rd oldest, my son Nathan, graduated on June 23rd from our homeschool.
can do your graduation or the graduation of any relative or friend.
if you don't have any graduation photos you could do another ceremony
where someone get's recognized for something, like Scouts, or Karate, or
4H or Awana... anything like that.
It was a happy and sad day for me.
In some ways it still seems unreal to me that Nathan graduated.
I have 3 children that have graduated from our homeschool and only one more child to teach, only 3 more years to go.
I have to many photos to share and I didn't want the post to be eons long so I decided to do a slideshow of the photos. I hope you enjoy these, the party was great.
I wanted to upload the slideshow of Nathan's life that I showed at the party but we are low on our bandwidth and it will have to wait until next month... only a few more days. I will post that in a separate post, not on Think Back Thursday but I hope you will watch for it and come see the slideshow of the digital scrapbook I made of Nathan's life.
As I said yesterday
July 5th
the theme will be
I have quite a few cloud pictures,
will I share one or a few,
I can't decide.
If you don't have any photos of just clouds, or with clouds in the background, in your photo archive,
then take one...
you have just over a week to get a great photo for this theme.
then take one...
you have just over a week to get a great photo for this theme.
Here are the Rules for participating:
The purpose of Think Back Thursday is to link up a photo post about something from the past. You can reach back all the way to your childhood and bravely post pictures of you in your wild clothes and hair styles or post something from last year and tell us about it. I'm not picky. Hey, even yesterday was the past... LOL My posts will mostly be about events that happened prior to blogging, as a way to share those things with the world.
The purpose of Think Back Thursday is to link up a photo post about something from the past. You can reach back all the way to your childhood and bravely post pictures of you in your wild clothes and hair styles or post something from last year and tell us about it. I'm not picky. Hey, even yesterday was the past... LOL My posts will mostly be about events that happened prior to blogging, as a way to share those things with the world.
- It can be about you, about your kids, about your parents, whomever. You can include video, I will not exclude video alone posts, but I prefer them along with photos, as this is a photo meme. I am doing a weekly theme now. That should help narrow it down from the myriad of photos we all have. For ideas check out the other posts in my label Think Back Thursday.
- Link up below. Please use a permalink that sends readers directly to the correct post. If you are not sure what that is click the word permalink for an explanation.
- Mention my blog and offer a link back. This is a requirement to take part and a kind gesture to me your hostess as well as your readers--they will know where to join in the fun, too. You can put the Think Back Thursday button on your site and in your post. You will find it on my right sidebar. Please use it to link to my site, to spread the word about my meme. Using the button will help others know how to find me and how to join. Tell others to click on the button in your post to find us here.
- Leave me a comment. First so that you can let me know what you think of my pictures and secondly so that I will know a new post has been linked up and I can come visit your blog and comment on your photos.

all content on my blog is ©