Wow, the year went fast. Can't believe the year is over already. I wanted to stay accountable for achieving my 2011 goals. I wanted to do better than last year. I wanted to remind myself what my goals are and keep working toward them. So I did updates. I did much better than last year. My most discouraging aspect is my weight. I struggle so with it. When I am sad or stressed I eat more chocolate.
The positive steps I have made with my goals this month have a

Personal Goals:
Spiritual - Be more consistent with my personal devotions.
Our church started a year long challenge to read through the Bible. We were using Daily Walk from Walk Thru the Bible. I read the whole Bible. I did it. I am so happy to have done this. I enjoyed it. I was pretty consistent with reading and never got more than a week behind without catching up. Most of the time I stayed caught up.
- Exercise more, more often and consistently. I would like to be much more fit by the end of 2011.
I was very inconsistent with this this year. I have not been exercising regularly. When I got on the Wii today it said it had been almost a month. I do not feel more fit. I let this slip at the end of the year. I was doing much better from February to April getting to my lowest weight 237.9. Unfortunately I am right back at the same weight I was Jan. 2011. Oh, well. I will not give up. I will continue on in Jan. and get back to exercising.
- Eat better and loose weight. Drink more water.
- Read some books on homeschooling and other educational topics.
- Work on my own writing projects.
- Spend one afternoon at least every other week doing scrapbooking.
- Read some books for pleasure.
I have finished a lot of books since the last check in. I have read 51 books in 2012. I will be doing this reading challenge again in 2012 and hope to read even more books. I already have some I want to start on in 2012 and now I have my Nook that my Mom, Sister and Brother-in-law bought me for Christmas so I can read with that too.
- Continue blogging and remember it is supposed to be for fun and for the records for my family.Write more consistently on my blog at least 3 posts a week.
I have done pretty well. I posted 38 posts in Nov. and 10 in Dec. Dec. has been very busy.
I did one Blast From The Past post in Dec. I have to keep remembering that I started doing this to record our family history, not so that I could become a mega blogger with tons of people following me and joining my meme. I did one meme this week that I enjoy and I did the weekly goals meme. I have also been working on the posts about board games for school. I plan to have more of them up in Jan.
Homeschool Goals:
- Be more consistent on recording daily in our school log.
I have been keeping up with this and doing well. We did not do much school in Dec. because of sickness and then Christmas. But what we did do I recorded. Next week... back to it!
- Be consistent with reviewing the boys daily assigned work and making sure they complete everything assigned to them and then put the stuff away in the folders/notebooks where it belongs.
I was being consistent with reviewing the workboxes but the boys have not finished all 12 boxes most days. We had much sickness in Dec. Hopefully we can get back to it and really get on the ball for the rest of the school year.
- Complete the TOS Homeschool Crew Review Year.
- I withdrew from the crew.
- Healthier Eating for the family
I was very inconsistent with this this year. Of course I cannot control what others eat but I can make sure we have healthy choices in the house and limit unhealthy choices by not buying them myself. I can't keep my husband from buying them, nor my daughter from cooking yummy treats, however. I did well with this at the beginning of the month and then things sagged as the kids made more and more cookies and then we got Christmas candy, and then celebrated 2 birthdays. I will be concentrating on this in the new year and will be buying more fruit and veggies instead of junk food.
- Exercise at home - keep the boys working our on the Wii at least 30 min. a day Mon. - Fri.
The boys were starting to do well with this before everybody got sick at the beginning of Dec. Hopefully they will get back to it.
- More singing as a family
We sang for special music in Dec. and we sang for the Christmas play. It was very stressful practicing.... their is always a struggle practicing and then the performances are so blessed by God. It is hard.
- Family evening read-aloud time consistently.
This has been out of my control. I want to do this but will not be making it a goal next year since it depends more on my husband wanting to do family time in the evening.
- Get back to evening read aloud time with the boys.
- Get back to meal planning because meals are more varied and we will have the ingredients shopped for ahead of time.
- Spend more time with my dear husband
Time alone with hubby has been on the way to, between, or on the way home from Dr. appointments and medical tests or at breakfast or lunch out after or between those appointments. I am glad I have been able to be there for him. He is getting serious about his health. The E.R. scare he had last month really woke him up. Some time ago he promised to play games with me and we still have not done that.
- Spend time once a week with one of my kids, just mom and one of the kids having lunch in my bedroom alone and then doing whatever the child wants to do. Usually a combo of eating, talking and playing board games and/or computer games. Goal is one child a week, so they all get one afternoon with mom a month.Start with my youngest and schedule it on the calendar so I can keep track of who is next for their turn. We can add time on the Wii together now
- Original post for my Goals 2011
- Goals Update Feb. 1
- Yearly Goals Update - March
- Yearly Goals Update - April
- Yearly Goal Update - May
- I apparently missed a June update oops...
- Summer Goal list
- Yearly Goal Update - July
- Yearly Goal Update - August
- Yearly Goal Update - September
- I apparently missed an October update oops...
- I apparently missed a November update also
- Yearly Goal Update December
Now that I am done this post I can work on my post for my goals for next year.

Keep track of your goals and how you are doing will help you achieve much next year.

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