It is Goal Planning Monday!!
How are you doing with your goals??
Click on the button above to view all the Goal Planning Monday links and find out how to join up with us.
My Goals from last week and how I did:
- Read. Done. I finished reading My Father's World and read a bunch of Somewhere a Song. I am doing ok with my reading. I do not want to stress over this. I want it to be a fun part of my days and weeks.
- Exercise. Done. I worked out on the Wii on Saturday and plan to do better this week.
- Keep reading Power of a Praying Wife. Done. I read some but am still behind. I will just keep reading until I finish even though June will soon be over praying for our spouses should never end anyway.
- Order stuff for school for next year, hopefully today. Done. School stuff is beginning to pour in. I love it! Almost as fun as my birthday or Christmas. I love books!!! Now I have more stuff to add to Book Collector and to work on to get ready for school 2011-12.
- Log books into Book Collector Done. I made progress on this. I am working on logging in the new stuff as we get it so I can put the purchase dates and prices paid... Info I don't have for most of our books, but it would have been nice to have.
- Work on portfolios of school stuff from this past year. Not Done. I will be putting this on my list again this week... one of these week I will actually get it done.
- One on one time with Jessica... it is her turn. Not Done. I don't know if I will get to do this this week either... the weeks are filling up, but I want to make time for this soon.
- Post at least some of the Longwood photos from June 13. Not Done... enough said.
- Blog about books I have read. Done. I got one done and posted and one partly started. I hope to get that one posted soon and another done this week also... so I plan to get two book reviews posted this week.
- Read and comment on all the posts by other Goal Planning Monday participants. Done.
- Get ready for and have my 50th birthday party on Friday with friends and family. Done. My party was superb... better than I expected. Everyone was loving, caring and generous. I really did not expect monetary gifts from most everyone. It blew me away! Now to pray on what to use the money for. I don't want to make a rash decision on what to buy... I don't get my own money very often.
My goals for this coming week:
- Read and enjoy doing it... don't stress over it.
- Exercise on the Wii at least 3 times 30 minutes each.
- Keep reading Power of a Praying Wife.
- Log books into Book Collector
- Work on portfolios of school stuff from this past year.
- One on one time with Jessica... it is her turn.
- Post at least some of the Longwood photos from June 13.
- Blog about 2 books I have read.
- Read and comment on all the posts by other Goal Planning Monday participants
- Start planning school for this coming year... especially Science
- ... and History.
- Help out at church tonight moving stuff from our old building to the new edition. The old building must be retro fit to get up to code... especially for sprinklers.
- Spend the day with my friend Michele and her daughter Rachel tomorrow.
- Attend Memorial service on Wednesday, for my cousin Katheryn, who died on Friday after about a year of battling cancer.
- Friday is Ladies Bible Study. (that only leaves me Thursday with nothing to do... not counting the weekend, which is free, as of now)

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