Time to write some goals and strive to accomplish them this coming week??
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after you read my goals.
Goal Planning Monday has a new home - the banner above will take you to the new home for Goal Planning Monday @ Real Life Unscripted even though it says it is @ mamamanuscripts. I changed the link to send you to the new place.
A pretty good week considering the emotional roller coaster I am on. Things are really getting hard here with money and that puts a strain on the whole family. The cupboard, freezer and fridge are getting bare. We have many cravings but we are trying to eat what we have and not spend a lot of money on groceries. If we don't buy much at the grocery stores we will have enough money to pay June's bills... after that... God will have to pay the bills because the bank account will be as empty as the cupboards. We need a miracle!! More than 2 years of unemployment and months of ZERO income and we are at the end or our resources.... it is all up to God now. Will God's people say, "be warmed and filled" and send us away or will they help. Will God provide a miracle at the last moment? I don't know... I just try to have enough faith to make it through today and try, unsuccessfully at times, to not worry about tomorrow.
Listening to uplifting music is one thing that really helps. I am listening to Best Loved Hymns right now on my computer... they comfort me like more contemporary music sometimes cannot. "Great is thy Faithfulness", "Savior Like a Shepard Lead Us", "Trust and Obey", "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" and many more.
God seems to know just what I need spiritually and I "just happen" to read something in the scripture or a book I am reading that speaks to my current situation on just the day I need it. Last night I was reading my two days of evening devotion from My Utmost for His Highest and I read this, based on John 4:11 "Sir, Thou hast nothing to draw with." ""I am impressed with the wonder of what God says, but He cannot me to really live it out in the details of my life!" "Your ideals are high and they impress us, but in touch with actual things, it cannot be done." " It is all very well to say "Trust the Lord," but a man must live and Jesus has nothing to draw with - nothing whereby to give us these things." "My misgivings arise from the fact that I ransack my own person to find out how He will be able to do it. [supply what I need is the it] My questions spring from the depths of my own inferiority. If I detect these misgivings in myself, let me bring them to the light, and confess them - "Lord, I have had misgivings about Thee, I have not believed in Thy wits apart from my own; I have not believed in Thine almighty power apart from my finite understanding of it."" It's a real God-incidnce that I read that last night... it was just what I needed. I don't know HOW God is going to take care of us... I just need to trust that HE WILL!
My Goals from last week and how I did:
Spiritual Goals
- Devotions daily - for the next few weeks, or however long it takes, I will be doing How People Change
and How People Change Study Guide: How Christ Changes Us by His Grace. I have wanted to work on this and have not had the extra time. It has a lot of scripture, especially in the homework of the Study Guide. I will not be writing in my journal. I will be writing in the study guide. Partly Done - I skipped Friday and Saturday.
- Listen to Godly Music Daily, as part of my morning Devotions. Partly Done
- Pray daily. Get the requests from my internet friends, Growth Group and Ladies Bible Study put onto notes and into my prayer book. Partly Done
- Read Power of a Praying Wife and leave hubby a note for each chapter I read. He needs the extra prayers and encouragement.
Not Done
- Read some of My Utmost for His Highest before bed each night... I am behind, but I am reading 2 days each night and I am catching up. Done
- Keep Christopher doing all his workboxes. We are done a few subjects for this year so he doesn't have 12 workboxes any more, but he is doubling up on the few subjects we do have so we can finish before my mother comes to visit the end of May. Done
- Get Nathan to do all his school. We had another talk this week about his school when I added up his hours again. He is making progress and it looks better than it did. He is working on finishing up his credits. I hope this week will be a good one. Done
- Keep up with logging in the boys work and grading as we go through the week. Not Done - I plan to work on catching up with this today.
- Spend time on our Astronomy Unit. Done
- Read library books on Mozart. Done
- Get the essay done for A Man for All Seasons and Chariots of Fire. Partly Done - Christopher got both of his done, Nathan still needs to finish and said he would finish them up first thing this morning. We are done Movies as literature now, except both boys have a few essay they skipped and need to finish. Nathan has more to do than Christopher. They have a few more weeks of school to get them done.
- Read a book about Homeschooling. I am working on The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell. I am on pg 278. This is a yearly goal and I want to do better on those goals this month. Done - I am now on page 289.
- Post Blast From The Past on Tuesday. Done
- Join in some favorite memes that I like to do and try and leave comments on a few blogs of those who link up. I will not be tracking my linking up but want to do it to encourage others to comment on my blog as well. Done
- Post the monthly Goals post for April today. Done
- Post the reading update for April today. Done
Personal/Other Goals
- Comment on all the other GPM ladies posts. Keep track of their names with links here so I know whose I have done. Not Done - sorry ladies
- Log books into Book Collector software... at least finish the box of school books I had been working on... it is in my way. Not Done
- Read, Read, Read! I am currently reading Keeping House: The Litany of Everyday Life and False Pretenses. Here are the links to the FREE Kindle version {as of this posting} or the Print Version of False Pretenses. I also have books to read aloud for History and Science, for homeschooling; and I need to keep working on Emma by Jane Austen. I have a few books that the boys finished reading on their own for History, they are historical fiction, that I want to finish, so I need to work on it as well, With Wolfe in Canada by G.A. Henty. I am currently reading it as a Kindle book on my Kindle App, on the android add on my hubby put on my Nook. Done - I read some of all of these, except for With Wolfe in Canada and I started a new book that came in at the library, Woman of Grace (Brides of Culdee Creek, book 2).
- Make sure the kids keep up with chores and cooking. My hubby has changed his diet again. This makes things especially hard on the boys. They have mostly given up trying to keep up with diet changes and cooking. I need to spend time helping them meal plan so they know what to do. Done
- Figure out what to do about the Saturday chores and get at least some of them done. Not Done
- Scrapbook - either digital or paper. I will not be setting a goal to do both, though if I can fit both in that would be fun. Done - I spent all day Saturday doing digital scrapbooking for National Scrapbook Day. My Memories blog and Facebook page had a bunch of challenges. It was so much fun and I found out this morning that at least one of my pages won one of the challenges. I can't wait to find out what I won, and which page(s) won. It is so exciting since I have only been doing digital scrapbooking for a couple weeks and have only finished a few pages.
- Work on saving my computer files to our backup drives. I am done most of it but there are 2 large files that I need to sort through and organize into the file folders that I have. Done - not that I am done sorting... just that I worked on it.
- Do more Spring cleaning. Currently still working on my bedroom. Not Done
My goals for this coming week:
Spiritual Goals
- Devotions daily - for the next few weeks, or however long it takes, I will be doing How People Change
and How People Change Study Guide: How Christ Changes Us by His Grace. I have wanted to work on this and have not had the extra time. It has a lot of scripture, especially in the homework of the Study Guide. I will not be writing in my journal. I will be writing in the study guide.
- Listen to Godly Music Daily, as part of my morning Devotions.
- Pray daily. Get the requests from my internet friends, Growth Group and Ladies Bible Study put onto notes and into my prayer book.
- Read Power of a Praying Wife and leave hubby a note for each chapter I read. He needs the extra prayers and encouragement.
- Read some of My Utmost for His Highest before bed each night... I am behind, but I am reading 2 days each night and I am catching up.
- Keep Christopher doing all his school. He is currently done some subject for the year. We are usually completely done our school days by now. My mother is coming to visit for a week and a half starting May 23rd. I really wanted to be done school by then. Christopher is doubling up on the subjects we have still to do so that we can be done school as close to the 23rd as possible. If he doesn't double up we should be done May 31st or June 1st.
- Get Nathan to do all his school. We had another talk last week about his school when I added up his hours again. He is making progress and it looks better than it did. He is working on finishing up his credits. I hope this week will be a good one.
- Keep up with logging in the boys work and grading as we go through the week.
- Spend time on our Astronomy Unit.
- Make sure the boys complete one back essay they had skipped from Movies as Literature.
- Read a book about Homeschooling. I am working on The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell. I am on pg 289. This is a yearly goal and I want to do better on those goals this month.
- Join in some favorite memes that I like to do and try and leave comments on a few blogs of those who link up. I will not be tracking my linking up but want to do it to encourage others to comment on my blog as well.
- Write a non meme post.
Personal/Other Goals
- Number one personal goal for the week is to shut my computer off between 9 and 9:30 every night, get ready for bed and then read until my husband is ready for bed. Saturday night I kept him up by working on a project on my computer that I should have just quit. I am going to strive not to do that again.
- Comment on all the other GPM ladies posts. Keep track of their names with links here so I know whose I have done.
- Log books into Book Collector software... at least finish the box of school books I had been working on... it is in my way.
- Read, Read, Read! I am currently reading Keeping House: The Litany of Everyday Life, Woman of Grace (Brides of Culdee Creek, Book 2)
and False Pretenses. Here are the links to the FREE Kindle version {as of this posting} or the Print Version. I also have books to read aloud for History and Science, for homeschooling; and I need to keep working on Emma by Jane Austen. I have a few books that the boys finished reading on their own for History, they are historical fiction, that I want to finish, so I need to work on it as well, With Wolfe in Canada by G.A. Henty. I am currently reading it as a Kindle book on my Kindle App, on the android add on my hubby put on my Nook.
- Make sure the kids keep up with chores and cooking. My hubby has changed his diet again. This makes things especially hard on the boys. They have mostly given up trying to keep up with diet changes and cooking. I need to spend time helping them meal plan so they know what to do.
- Figure out what to do about the Saturday chores and get at least some of them done. I think I will spend part of each morning working on household chores and Spring Cleaning. I will not be asking my family to join me. I will just be doing it myself. If anyone wants to join me that is fine, but we have enough stress and hard times right now and I don't want extra conflict.
- Scrapbook - either digital or paper. I will not be setting a goal to do both, though if I can fit both in that would be fun.
- Work on saving my computer files to our backup drives. I am done most of it but there are 2 large files that I need to sort through and organize into the file folders that I have.
- Do more Spring cleaning. Currently still working on my bedroom.
Do you have any goals for the week? Post your goals and link up. The button at the top will take you to the meme and you can join up with us. I have been doing this for more than a year now and setting weekly goals is really helping me keep focus and achieve more. Have a great week.

all content on my blog is ©
I will be praying for you. What a hard situation to be in but I have faith that things will turn out for you. We were unemployed for a year and it is tough (we had a lot of debt before). Mike was able to start his own company but the work is very seasonal (with the slow season just starting). I hate feeling financial stress. Hang in there!
I certainly think that you did well last week, even though you didn't get to everything.
Thinking of you this week!
These days can be tough. Thankfully, we can lay our burdens at the foot of the cross.
What do you think of Keeping House? I bought it a bit back, but haven't been able to begin yet.
Congratulations on the scrapbook contest!
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