Well it is time for the “Not” Back to School Blog Hop: Curriculum Week I have been looking forward to this since last year. When you get done reading my post you can click on this link or the calendar at the top to go and see the other entries or enter yourself.
I am excited about our year. I am especially looking forward to doing our science curriculum, our Bible, and our Language Arts. I hope you enjoy looking over the things we will be using and I hope you get some new ideas for things to use for your future.
Subjects in which the boys use the same curriculum:
I received this just this week. It is a TOS Homeschool Crew Review product and looks really good. In fact it looks so good I ordered another student book for my other son and as soon as it comes in we will be starting this... doing it for our Bible Curriculum all year. Watch my blog for the review of this early in September.
Until that book comes the boys are doing the first unit from the Book of Virtues Chracter Study. The link goes to my post about the study with a link to it so you can download it for yourself.
Until that book comes the boys are doing the first unit from the Book of Virtues Chracter Study. The link goes to my post about the study with a link to it so you can download it for yourself.
I purchased this guide because our favorite, Mystery of History, currently stops with vol. 3. Vol. 4 is not expected to be ready for a year or two more. I like these guides. I especially like the Christian worlview that is evident throughout. She gives you a lot of choices of books to read for each topic. It is a great guide for High School History. My only regret is that it doesn't cover Asia or Africa.
Story of the Great Republic
My copy is an EPUB copy from Yesterday's Classics. I love Yesterday's Classics. It was a TOS product we got last year. We got all 225 books in Kindle and/or EPUB. I have mine on my computer and I use Calibre to access them. They are a great edition to our homeschool.
How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture
Sweet Land of Liberty
History of US 11-Volume Set 3rd Edition Revised with Sourcebook
these are especially useful to me in the years after the Civil War as I don't have as many other books covering that time period.
I have the old set of this... I would love to try out the new set but I already had to much History stuff I wanted for this year and could not fit it in my budget. I wish someone would give me a set or that Diana Waring would have the crew review her stuff.
We use this book through a lot of time periods. It is really great for following events that impacted Christianity through the ages.
this book is used for in Truth Quest History as an introduction to classic literature and its authors
History Through the Ages - Record of Time
this is a timeline where the kids add figures as you go through your history study
this is ongoing for us
this is a timeline where the kids add figures as you go through your history study
this is ongoing for us
I highly recommend the History Through the Ages Collection of Historical Timeline Figures on CD that goes with the timeline. They even keep the figures up to date and add new ones in to match the chapters of Mystery of History which we use as our spine for our History studies.
For our geography part of History we will be using
which we received last year as part of the TOS Crew
I love the versatility of this product
see my review of it HERE
and I may supplement with

which we received last year as part of the TOS Crew
I love the versatility of this product
see my review of it HERE
and I may supplement with
Blackline Outline Maps of World History
if needed.
if needed.
Lapbooks we will use for History:
Nathan does not like lapbooks so he will be doing Notebooking pages on the same topics as the lapbooks I have. Some of the HOAC lapbooks now have Notebook packs to go with them. I don't have any of these to match these lapbooks... though I may buy some this week while HOAC is having their big sale.
American Government Project Pack

The Declaration of Independence Project Pack

The United States Constitution Project Pack

from Homeschool in the Woods

The Declaration of Independence Project Pack
The United States Constitution Project Pack

from Homeschool in the Woods
The above books are the main books we use for History. We use other biographies and non-fiction books also. I will not be listing all of them here, it would make this page way longer and it is too long already. Check my Week In Review posts to see what we are doing each week with more specifics and check our School Shelfari on my sidebar, too.
Historical Fiction:
This changes often and I try and keep it updated on our School Shelfari in my left sidebar. For now we are reading A Jacobite Exile: Being the Adventures of a Young Englishman in the Service of Charles the Twelfth of Sweden
by G.A. Henty. Here is a free Kindle edition from Amazon... at least it was free when I posted this: A Jacobite Exile: Being the Adventures of a Young Englishman in the Service of Charles the Twelfth of Sweden
. Here is a link to free downloads on Archive.org. I am currently reading a pdf version to the boys each day. I would love to have a complete set of Henty books... for now we use the library if they have a copy and if not then I use Archive.org.
This changes often and I try and keep it updated on our School Shelfari in my left sidebar. For now we are reading A Jacobite Exile: Being the Adventures of a Young Englishman in the Service of Charles the Twelfth of Sweden
We will be using this for school this year for science.
It is the Mega All-in-one Kit from AIG.
It contains 18 DVDs and 13 books and is for ages: 15 and up.
The picture is a link and the link above both take you to the product where you can see all the details of what is included. My mom gives me some money each year for our homeschooling and this is what the money she gave us this year went toward.... we paid the rest.
Christopher will be 15yo in December and Nathan is 17yo.
Since the boys like the Christian Kids Explore series we will be using
Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space along with and as an introduction to the topics we will be covering. It will be easy for Nathan but still a good introduction for each topic and they like it so... that makes it good.
Geology By Design
I may be adding to this with the things below. They are things we have on our shelves already. I will see how much time we have.

The Lie: Evolution

Refuting Evolution: A Handbook for Students, Parents, and Teachers Countering the Latest Arguments for Evolution

40 Nights to Knowing the Sky: A Night-by-Night Sky-Watching Primer

Voyage to the Planets

Voyage to the Stars

The Astronomy Book: Wonders of Creation Series
The Astronomy Book- Study guide and workbook
The Geology Book: Wonders of Creation Series
The Geology Book- Study Guide and Workbook
The Fossil Book: Wonders of Creation Series

The Fossil Book - Study Guide and Workbook
The Cave Book: Wonders of Creation Series
Art Appreciation:
Music Appreciation:
all content on my blog is ©
It is the Mega All-in-one Kit from AIG.
It contains 18 DVDs and 13 books and is for ages: 15 and up.
The picture is a link and the link above both take you to the product where you can see all the details of what is included. My mom gives me some money each year for our homeschooling and this is what the money she gave us this year went toward.... we paid the rest.
Christopher will be 15yo in December and Nathan is 17yo.
Since the boys like the Christian Kids Explore series we will be using
Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space along with and as an introduction to the topics we will be covering. It will be easy for Nathan but still a good introduction for each topic and they like it so... that makes it good.

Geology By Design
I may be adding to this with the things below. They are things we have on our shelves already. I will see how much time we have.

The Lie: Evolution
Refuting Evolution: A Handbook for Students, Parents, and Teachers Countering the Latest Arguments for Evolution
40 Nights to Knowing the Sky: A Night-by-Night Sky-Watching Primer
Voyage to the Planets

Voyage to the Stars

The Astronomy Book: Wonders of Creation Series
The Astronomy Book- Study guide and workbook

The Geology Book: Wonders of Creation Series
The Geology Book- Study Guide and Workbook
The Fossil Book: Wonders of Creation Series
The Fossil Book - Study Guide and Workbook

The Cave Book: Wonders of Creation Series
Language Arts:
from Bright Ideas Press
I love this curriculum. It allows the children to learn analysis but in a less threatening way, with movies instead of books. It also has the boys writing an essay for each movie, one every two weeks. My daughters did this curriculum with a co-op in 2003-4. Some of the movies from this year long curriculum became family favorites when the girls did it. We are looking forward to using this again. Actually, we started last week and my son Nathan said he is already seeing the effects of using the analysis... it is affecting how he "views" other movies. The girls say that they never watched a movie in the same way again... in a good way of course.
Art Appreciation:

Knights of Art - we are reading from a pdf copy that I got here at this link at Archive.org
I have a few other resource we use.
Most of them free online books from Archive.org and free notebooking pages from various places on the Internet.
I have a few other resource we use.
Most of them free online books from Archive.org and free notebooking pages from various places on the Internet.
Music Appreciation:
We, of course, use a variety of music to listen to.
I got a number of sets of cassettes from Goodwill, for $2.00 each, called
Great Men of Music
here is a link to one of them
We love the cd's The Story of... in Words and Music.
There are a bunch of these for a number of different composers.
We are currently doing Bach.
Nathan's Individual Books
Christopher's Individual Books
Teaching Textbooks Geometry
Well that is our main curriculum for this year. The boys also have some electives that they are working on including Home and Life Management, Educational Foundations, Building Life Relationships, Computer, and Phys. Ed.
Note: I have done only one link for most of these books. Most times I have done a link to the primary publisher. Some are affiliate links to Amazon. You can also check your favorite homeschool curriculum provider, discount homeschool websites, used book sellers (Amazon is my favorite), and other places for used books as well as other pricing for new books.
all content on my blog is ©