Doodles about goals are from Homegrown Hospitality, Stephanie Ackerman is the owner of that site and it is her Doodle class that I did last year. I LOVE her stuff.
Hmmmm.... Godly goals. Not sure about the hell part but otherwise it is good advice. God is sure stretching my faith with this loooong trial we are in. I am trying to keep doing his will... daily.
Hmmmm.... Godly goals. Not sure about the hell part but otherwise it is good advice. God is sure stretching my faith with this loooong trial we are in. I am trying to keep doing his will... daily.
I got more reading done last week. I got some doodling done. I broke down and cried a few times... ok more than a few. I didn't exercise. I didn't make my WW cake.
BUT... I got back to first thing in the morning devotions... and I am LOVING it. It gives me so much comfort and I can handle my days so much better when I stay close to the Lord.
And... I doodled over the weekend...
And I enjoyed watching old Cosby Show reruns on dvd with my kids. We borrowed them from the library. It was fun to laugh with my kids.
This week I want to Read more... I am enjoying it sooo much. Get the review done that I need to do... and I wanted to get another R word but couldn't think of one so the last most important thing to get done is Bake.. then I can eat cake while I Read and Review.
And... I doodled over the weekend...
And I enjoyed watching old Cosby Show reruns on dvd with my kids. We borrowed them from the library. It was fun to laugh with my kids.

My top priorities are marked with a *
If you need directions on how to join in... see my GPM page up above.
My goals for this coming week:
Spiritual Goals
- *Morning Devotions - including Bible reading(Proverbs), prayer, listening to music
and reading a spiritual book. I am starting Confessions of a Prayer Slacker for my next book. Prayer will be a focus this year as that is my word for 2013. Done - and really enjoying my time as I said. I finished Confessions of a Prayer Slacker. I will get my review of it done soon. I am not going to be posting my reading reviews here on my blog. I will let you know what I finish reading but if you are interested further you can read my reviews on Goodreads... see my widget on my sidebar.
- Participate in the Joy Dare in 2013. Writing down 3 things each day that are gifts from God, things to be thankful for totaling more than 1000 gifts in 2013.Write in my other 1,000 gifts notebooks. Done - all caught up and I wrote some in my personal 1,000 gifts notebooks.
- Finish reading Overwhelmed and get the review and giveaway posted on my blog. This is Spiritual (because it is a spiritual book) and reading and blog. I couldn't decide what section to post it in... so I posted it at the top. Partly Done - I finished reading the book and doing the study questions.... this week I will post the review and giveaway... a week late... but oh, well. I am doing what I can do and leaving the rest to God.
- Do school with Christopher. Done - enjoying reading Henty to Christopher and Rachel. We are reading Held Fast for England. It was exciting from the very first chapter.
- Grade and Record work done, DAILY. Done
- Prep the next day's school, especially science! Done
- I must get back to exercising this week. Working out on the Wii. Not Done
- *Get my Weight Watchers dessert made... MUST DO! I know... I have said it so many times you are sick of seeing it. So am I and I want to eat the cake so I hope to get this done early this week. Not Done
- Eat fruit and veggies and drink water. Done
- Comment on everyone's blog that links up to the Goal Planning Monday linky. Done - no problem since no one linked up
- Blog only what I want to blog about except for... Done - which was nothing but Goal Planning Monday because I didn't even get my review up...
- A review and giveaway I have due this week. Partly Done - see note up in devotions section
Personal/Other Goals
- Read. Done and greatly enjoyed. See my Goodreads widget for the books I am currently reading.
- Work on, maybe even finish, 2 digital scrapbook pages for my Creative Team 'job'. I have a school kit and I have not made time to work on it. I looked at the kit and it has some things missing. The scrapbook blog owner is going to send me the missing parts... then I want to do the pages and get them posted here on the blog. Not Done - waiting for my leader to send the missing pieces to the kit. Can't do anything 'til she does so I am taking this off my goal list. If she sends them this week I will do the pages. If not maybe I will just do some pages for myself from kits I already have.
- Hang the crochet heart Rachel made me and the wooden box I decorated a while back. Not Done - need Jessica's help because I can't fit behind my desk standing up to reach the wall.
My goals for this coming week:
Spiritual Goals
- *Morning Devotions - including Bible reading (Proverbs), prayer, listening to music
and reading a spiritual book. Prayer is my focus this year as that is my word for 2013. I will be starting a new book just for me to read. For now I am also reading "When God Breaks Your Heart: Choosing Hope in the Midst of Faith-Shattering Circumstances" to my hubby.
- Participate in the Joy Dare in 2013. Writing down 3 things each day that are gifts from God, things to be thankful for totaling more than 1000 gifts in 2013.Write in my other 1,000 gifts notebooks.
- Do school with Christopher.
- Grade and Record work done, DAILY.
- Prep the next day's school, especially science!
- I must get back to exercising this week. Working out on the Wii.
- *Get my Weight Watchers dessert made TOMORROW!
- Eat fruit and veggies and drink water.
- Comment on everyone's blog that links up to the Goal Planning Monday linky.
- Blog only what I want to blog about except for...
- *A review and giveaway I had due last week and MUST get up.
Personal/Other Goals
- Read.
- Work on a craft for myself: doodle, cross stitch, scrapbook, digital scrapbook... something.
- Hang the crochet heart Rachel made me and the wooden box I decorated a while back. I need Jessica's help.
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