Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Back-to-School Hop: School Room Week


School Room Week
Here is our school room!

For us education is not a place or time but something we do all our waking hours!
In our home and in our community.

Our Dining Room

Nathan working on his Math at the kitchen table,
the place where most of the learning takes place.

Christopher at the table. Note: in the picture below you can see our divider,
we use this to keep the boys on task and less distracted by each other.
It also serves as a large mini office with needed help pages inside of plastic sleeves.
The plastic sleeves make it so we can change the pages as needed.

Building with Lego Mindstorms is one thing Nathan likes to do while I read Historical Fiction
(there are also some K'nex in this picture that the boys use sometimes)
Christopher usually sits on the living room rug and plays with his Lego.

Pictures of me doing my "work" keeping the school log.
Christopher took these of me.

Our Living Room

Jessica, on the couch in the living room, working with her laptop.

Or on the floor in her room

Nathan working on putting together his lapbooks.
Working at the card table in the living room.

Christopher working on writing mini books for a Greece Lapbook. One he decided he wanted to do, on his own, since I received it free after we had already finished Greece. He is sitting in the recliner with a home made tray on his lap.

The boys computer in the living room. They are currently using it for typing, ALEKS math, Quarter Mile Math, Old Testament Overview, and Nathan uses it for programming his Lego Mindstorms.

Rachel in the basement doing who knows what on the computer...
looking up MORE recipes, blogging, checking Facebook, e-mailing, or watching a movie
or maybe all of the above at one time!!! LOL

Nature Study/Science at Winterthur
We were looking at this guy and some of his friends.

The Coy Pond at Winterthur

We all recognize and can name many more plants due to our frequent trips to Winterthur.

Home and Life Management

Jessica will be able to use her hair cutting skills that she learned by cutting her brother hair to someday cut her sons hair and maybe even her husbands, if he will let her.

Spring Cleaning counts for Home and Life Management

Gardening counts too!

Cooking counts for Home and Life Management

and so does mowing the lawn. Nathan and Christopher have also helped dad repair and maintain the lawnmower, car and other things around the house. I need to get some pictures of them doing things like that.

Cleaning your room is a good skill to have and this room needs it!!

this is starting to look better

Physical Education in the Basement (also walks at Winterthur)

Music and Community Service
We sing as a family at church and
sing to the seniors at the nursing home a couple times a year.

Here is Christopher's Pile of school stuff! sorta organized!! LOL

Here is Nathan's School stuff
Not really organized!
How can he find anything??
How can he get his stuff out without toppling the tower??

Here is my "school" box with the books I will use most often each day this year. Organized by subject with cardboard cereal box dividers to separate them.

A full view of the table in the dining room and the divider.

Our bookshelf in the dining room, opposite the table.

The bookcase in the living room with the books we need for this year, as well as the general reference books used every year, and the Portfolios from all 18 years of homeschooling.

The bookcase in the upstairs hallway with the books we don't need for this year.
Organized by subject with the History ones in chronological order.

I hope you enjoyed a peek into our "schoolroom"

Join us this week by posting pictures of your school room and
take a look at the variety of school rooms others have posted.

Click on the link below.

Have a great week,


Tracy said...

I helped out in our Knex class at co-op this year...they are so cool! Thanks for sharing!

Robin E. said...

That divider made me smile. I can certainly see me needing one when my little boys start needing to do school together (currently they are 6 and 4). Thanks for sharing on the Blog Hop.

lovin' my 6 said...

Absolutely love the pictures of your "homeschool" room. It is just like our home. We even have a Christopher and a Nathan about the same ages. We are going to make a divider to match yours.


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