We have books everywhere. These are the living room bookcases. We have 3 more like the large one on the left in our upstairs hallway. We also have one bookcase in every bedroom (our daughters actually have 2 in their bedroom), too. I also have books in boxes and tubs all over the house that don't fit on the shelves. They are under tables in my room, in front of the closet in my bedroom, stacked next to the bookshelves in the hallway and in the basement, too.
Below you see our dining room table being used for Science class. The boys are "playing" with our physics K'nex sets. Our table often looks like this. This is our primary place for doing school.
These are our workboxes. Not ideal. Not pretty. Not expensive. A mishmash of a few plastic containers we already had and a bunch of various sized boxes. They work for us though. They are easy and cheap to replace. With my husband out of work they will not be replaced with more expensive ones any time soon. But they do the job and keep us organized, especially me. I have our week planned out, the pages all printed that we will need, the resources gathered and I prep the boxes and have them all ready for the boys.
One of the things we like about homeschooling though is that education can occur all over the house and outside the house also. In the recliner in the living room, in the kitchen for science experiments and cooking, all over the house for Home and Life Management, outside for Home and Life Management things like car and house repair as well as gardening, in the basement on our exercise equipment and at Winterthur where we do Nature study and get exercise walking in the lovely gardens.
This is our new whiteboard. It is 4' x 6'. I especially got it for our writing program, Institute for Excellence in Writing. They boys say they like writing now. That in itself is a miracle. Here you see it decorated for the arrival of my friend Becky. This is a piece of shower board we got at Lowes and had them make one cut for us to make it fit our wall. It works great and was cheaper than the small whiteboard I bought last year... about 1/2 the cost actually.
One of my blogging friends mentioned that everyone was showing their schoolroom as clean as can be and so perfect that it made her jealous. I hope these REAL live photos help with that. This shows the current state of affairs in the end of our school room with the workbox shelves and small whiteboard. The filing cabinet that has a lot of stuff in it. It does not show the boxes and stacks of papers in my room and in the basement that need to be filed.
It does show that we have workboxes on the shelves and on the floor a typical thing for our house. Sometimes... horrors... they stay on the floor all day and night and don't get put back on the shelves for days.

You can see my chair in both pictures so that will give you an idea of the size of the room. The table takes up most of the space and we have to pull it away from the windows in order for someone to fit back there for dinner. The dining room is 17' x 8'. You can also see that we don't have doors on the closet on the left. They kept getting hit because they stuck out and we couldn't get by them, they were bi-fold doors. So we just took them off. Also we only have 3 chairs left from the set that are unbroken. We need a new dining room set or at least new chairs. That will probably have to wait until my dh gets a job. My son is sitting on one of our computer chairs. When we have dinner my daughter brings her desk chair down from upstairs and one of my other kids sits on a glider rocker's foot part. The rocker is broken in the basement. Anyway this is the current state of our table when we are doing school. You can see the white board on the right. If I need to write on there Nathan, the one in green sitting on the right, has to move over to the left side so I have room to stand there. 

This is my workbox. Sort of. Here I keep the school log with the workbox plans for the week and the record of what we do each day, oh and our attendance charts. It also holds all the resources we will use this year on a regular basis. This includes my History unit study planner, my Science unit study planner, our lapbook information portions (in report covers), the teacher books for our writing curriculum, folders with resources for our Art, Music, Hymn, and Poetry study, the Great Science Adventures books for science, and a bunch of other stuff.
Well that is our School Room. I hope you enjoyed seeing it. Check out the other School Rooms by clicking the button at the top of the page or by clicking the calendar below. Next week is Student Photo Week.
Looks like a great place to school!
Stopping by from the blog walk. Have a great day.
Debbie~ your comment on my blog yesterday really encouraged me. Reading your post did the same! I'm so glad you decided to share. I didn't mention in my post, but we have bookshelves in our basement and crates full of books, etc. Our basement is VERY unfinished so it's not the best place to store things, but we ran out of room!
That is funny Debbie-mine is only clean cuz I recently re-configured it and sorted thru piles and piles of junk. Once the tables go in, with the stuff and well, life/learning happens in it, there will be a never ending flow of mini-messes for sure!
Love your honesty and tour. Have a great year and will pray your hubster to find a job :0)!
Thanks for sharing. It was nice to see how someone else without an actual school room sets things up. I love seeing the reality of it!
Thanks for sharing your classroom. Looks great actually. Looks like a lot of learning going on and that is all that matters :) I should think about a tub for all my teacher stuff too. I have a shelf in the family room that houses all mine but I'm constantly forgetting a book when we are in class and have to get up and go get it. If I have the tub there....hmmmm......
Thanks for sharing your school with us today.
God's Blessings
...Oh and the white board/shower board idea....LOVE IT!!!!
I'm loving that you have a living organism for your school~everywhere! ME TOO! Thanks for sharing! hugs
I am so stealing the shower board idea, I'd love to have a bigger white board!!!
I love this post! We have a small house, too (plus gazillions of books as well), and it's interesting to see how other people with small homes manage. :) Our dining room table very often looks like yours!
Love that you keep it real. Thanks for sharing!
Debbie....LOVE your BOXES for workboxes idea. When I first heard of workboxes I did a similar thing. I ran around the house grabbing all the plastic boxes I had all their toys organized in and dumping the toys out into empty diaper boxes so I could use the plastic ones for workboxes... a year and a half later their toys are still in those diaper boxes and it works out fine... sometimes the solution is right under our nose :) LOL
Thanks for taking the time to share all your wisdom and experience... it's a blessing
Tammany xoxo
Thanks for sharing your school room! We currently live in a 14 x 70 mobile home and have no school room either. Space is at a premium here! I too am choosing functional over house beautiful! I am always looking for ways to store our homeschooling items. We have bookshelves in our hall and if I could fit another bookcase in somewhere I would. I use part of my kitchen cabinets and a closet to house our homeschool items. Thanks for being real!
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