read it here:
From there I went to the Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar... Here:
Very humbling to think of us so small and insignificant a planet yet loved enough by our Savior that he was willing to be born here and later to die for our sins. I hope you enjoy the photos and the letter from Homeschool Marketplace... I did.
You can sign up for their newsletter, I get it, and they will send you freebies once in a while. In the Christmas letter they sent me a pdf callled Surviving Christmas... also very good. Sign up for their newsletter and maybe they will send it to you too. Sign up at the bottom of the Christmas "letter" page.
I am enjoying my Christmas Break so far: sleeping late, playing games on the computer and board games with my children and my Mom (visiting until Jan. 4th), baking goodies and eating them, doing my devotions, listening to music, watching old movies, and prepping for Christmas. I still have gifts to wrap and my bedroom is a mess with so many things around, but that is ok, the gifts have to go somewhere. We missed Church on Sunday due to the 18 inches of snow we got on Friday night - Sunday morning. We also missed caroling with our growth group... we had to cancel because of the snow. Hopefully nothing will prevent us from being at church Christmas Eve, it is a tradition for us. Then home and watch an old Christmas favorite, then to bed and then up early... way too early... Christmas morning, the kids ages 23 to 12 are still "young" enough to be excited, have a hard time sleeping and wake us early. We usually set a time and they stick to it though. My mom will definitely need a nap that day!!!

Well, have a great week and if I don't get time to post again...
God Bless and Mery Christmas
Adoration of the Shepherds
the picture is from