Monday, February 15, 2016

Giveaway for Emissary and Mercant of Alyss by Thomas Locke

Legends of the Realm fantasy series

Emissary (from the publisher)

"Hyam is a likeable lad who will make a fine farmer someday. But he carries a burden few can fathom. As his mother slips toward death, she implores him to return to Long Hall, where he spent five years as an apprentice. It was there that Hyam's extraordinary capacity for mastering languages came to light--and soon cast him into the shadows of suspicion. How could any human learn the forbidden tongues with such ease? When Hyam dares to seek out the Mistress of the Sorceries, her revelation tears his world asunder.

He has no choice but to set out on the foreboding path--which beckons him to either his destiny or his doom. An encounter with an enchanting stranger reminds him that he is part hero and part captive. As Hyam struggles to interpret the omens and symbols, he is swept up by a great current of possibilities--and dangers."

Merchant of Alyss  (from the publisher)
"Life for Hyam is bittersweet. Admired by the citizens of Falmouth for his heroic rescue mission, he cherishes these peaceful days with Joelle by his side. Yet grief over the loss of his magical skills during the great Battle of Emporis threatens to engulf him. Sometimes he even wishes he had never known magic at all.

When Hyam comes into possession of an ancient Milantian scroll, he is thrilled to feel the surge of power that courses through him whenever he touches it. But what he discerns in the text could mean war. He embarks upon another journey to determine its true meaning and forestall any attack. But as Hyam is seeking answers, he is unaware that the merchant of Alyss is seeking him…"

 My Thoughts
These are both GREAT books. I read all of Emissary and I am mostly done with Merchant of Alyss. Watch for the review of Merchant of Alyss coming in the next week or so. I love Thomas Locke's writing. It is imaginative and gripping.

I thought I had reviewed Emissary here on my blog but I see now that I never did post the review. Bad me. I was starting a new job and things seemed to have fell through the cracks. I did review it on Goodreads and Amazon though. Just click the link to read my review from either place, my reviews are the same at both sites.

In case you didn't notice Thomas Locke is Davis Bunn's pseudonym and Davis Bunn is a wonderful author. He writes under the name Thomas Locke for his more diverse fantasy books. These books are different from the books I usually read, but I like them. I like all his writing. I truly do. He is one of my favorite authors.

And... for all these reasons... I am so proud to be able to offer one winner one copy of each of the above books to have for their very own.

About Thomas Locke

Thomas Locke, author of Legends of the Realm fantasy seriesThomas Locke is an award-winning novelist with total worldwide sales of seven million copies. His work has been published in twenty languages, and critical acclaim includes four Christy Awards for excellence in fiction and his 2014 induction into the Christy Hall of Fame. Thomas divides his time between Florida and England, where he serves as Writer In Residence at Regent’s Park College at The University of Oxford. 

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 1 winner will receive print copies of both Emissary and Merchant Of Alyss


 all content on my blog is ©


Fee Roberts said...

Gandalf is my favorite wizard!

Unknown said...

I actually rather like Elminster.


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