If you would like to see the slideshow full screen instead of so small go to this link: Longwood June 13, 2011 then click the full screen button on the right.
Here are the Rules for participating:
The purpose of Blast From The Past is to link up a post about something from the past. You can reach back all the way to your childhood and bravely post pictures of you in your wild clothes and hair styles or post something from last year and tell us about it. I'm not picky. Hey, even yesterday was the past... LOL My posts will mostly be about events that happened prior to blogging, as a way to share those things with the world.
- It can be about you, about your kids, about your parents, about whatever. For ideas check out the other posts in my label Blast From the Past.
- Please use a permalink that sends readers directly to the correct post. If you are not sure what that is click the work permalink for an explanation.
- Mention my blog and offer a link back to the main page of my blog. http://debbiesdigest.blogspot.com/ This is a requirement to take part and a kind gesture to me your hostess as well as your readers--they will know where to join in the fun, too. You can put the Blast From The Past button on your site and in your post. Please use it to link to my site, to spread the word about my meme. Using the button will help others know how to find me and how to join. Tell others to click on the button in your post to find us here.
- Leave me a comment. First so that you can let me know what you think of my pictures and secondly so that I will know a new post has been linked up and I can come visit your blog and comment on your photos.
all content on my blog is ©
Really interesting! Reminded me yet again that I need to have my hubby take me to Longwood sometime.
Thanks for commenting on my school photo post! I don't really have a preference for what day we do this meme, so whatever works for you will likely work for me. I'd love to see some others join in though!
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