With this kit I was able to make quite a variety of pages.
The first you will see below.
I have to admit that I did some scraplifting...
that means that I used someone else's page as a 'guide'.
This is how a designer on My Memories describes scraplifting.
"Often it's tricky to know where to start on a layout, but then you see a lovely layout, and you say, "I like that! I can make a layout like that!" Luckily in this field, it's considered a compliment to the layout artist who made the layout, and you're not copying it, you're scraplifting it!
What is ScrapLifting? You use the general placement of the papers and elements and photos and text (or any of these), and with your own photo(s) and a kit of your choice, you make a similar layout. You can use as much of the style and placement as you need, you can flip it around or resize sections to fit your needs, and you can make it your own. Generally, a scraplift will look like the layout enough that it's obvious it is a scraplift."
One thing you must do is give credit where credit is due.
I scraplifted this design from the ABDDesigns_GL-OdysseusPenelope_Apr23 quickpage by Anita Birrell.
The quickpage, I think, was a freebie I received through the newsletter I get from http://www.digitalscrapbookingstudio.com. Anita sells her kits through this store.
I could not find the quickpage for sale anywhere. I wanted you to see the original.... this is a small jpg of the quickpage... I think this will be ok because I made it pretty small and changed it from a png which you could use and insert a photo into to a jpg; so you can't insert a photo and it should be useless to anyone unless it inspires them to do a similar page.
You can still get the kit HERE though... and it looks like a great kit. I would love to have it.
I hope you can see the similarities to Anita's page.
I used a photo of a single plant that I took at Longwood Gardens a few years ago. I kept my photo a square. I guess I could have done a circle since the flowers would have allowed for that, but I didn't.
I love the cluster of flowers on the left. Each of those items: flowers, buttons, leaves, other do-dads, and lace; is a separate element from the kit that I put together into this cluster... it took me quite a few hours. I took liberties with her design and added the bush and little chick on the lower left. I also used 5 papers from the kit... one for the background, one on a tilt for the layered look the original had, two behind the cluster on the far left, and the last as a background for the photo, since I didn't have a fancy photo frame in the kit that matched. I also love the color combination I created and the buttons at the bottom left of the page which were scraplifted from Anita's quickpage.
Using the same kit I created this fun page of my daughters visiting the Easter Bunny when they were younger. The bunny and eggs and more colorful papers make look so different. Hard to believe this came from the same kit.
This next page came out so lovely. I am very happy with it.
3 papers used for the background and for layers. A few flowers and plants in the corner with a pretty pink ribbon as contrast, and the lovely tag for posting what the picture depicts.
I hope you enjoyed my new pages.
I am getting to enjoy digital scrapbooking more and more.
Now to get a new kit from my creative team leader... and...
I hope to participate in a few challenges on the My Memories forum this month.
That will stretch my knowledge and give me some great pages for my blog as well.
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They are all beautiful, what a talented sister I have. Love you!
Absolutely beautiful! You have a great eye, Debbie!
These pages look great - job well done! Such a talented sister I have - love you!
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