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Monday, January 7, 2013

Goal Planning Monday ~ Week 102

 Time to write some goals and strive to accomplish them this coming week??

Join us by clicking on the button above...
after you read my goals.

A pretty good first week of January. Actually, a really good first week of January. I just hope I can end the year as well or better than I have started. This is what I want this year... I am tired of quitting on things and then being disappointed with myself and my life.

My goals for this coming week:
Spiritual Goals 
  1. Morning Devotions - including Bible reading, prayer, listening to music and reading a spiritual book. This year I plan to read through Proverbs each month, 31 chapters 31 days (on shorter months I have to do a 2 chapters on a few days to keep up. This was suggested in The Richest Man Who Ever Lived that hubby and I started reading. Prayer will be a focus this year as that is my word for 2013. I am currently reading Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist by John Piper. I started it today. Done - finished Prov. ch. 7 this morning, I am really getting a lot out of it already. Prayer time is going better, I am thanking the Lord for his characteristics, for who he is and what he has done for me as well as asking for things I need for myself, my family and my friends. Desiring God is better, even, than I thought it would be and I am still doing the questions for the Introduction. This book will not be a quick read. There is a lot to digest and the questions are deep as well. It will be an enjoyable journey through the book however.
  2. Read more of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness to/with my hubby. Not Done
  3. Done  - I added a goal to participate in and complete the Joy Dare in 2013. Writing down 3 things each day that are gifts from God, things to be thankful for totaling more than 1000 gifts in 2013.
  4. Done - I also added participating in a Bible memory group on Facebook. We choose our own verse(s) for the challenge. We post a verse or passage on the 1st and the 15th of each month... thus we memorize 24 verses/passages in 2013. I am already working on my first passage. When I posted the verses I was going to memorize, Psalm 5:1-3in the KJV, a fellow participant told me about a song by Maranatha singers that is an exact quote of Psalm 5:1-3 in the KJV. Once she mentioned it I immediately remembered it and went looking. Here is the song for your listening pleasure.

    Homeschool Goals
    1. Prep for school...starting back on the 4th of January. I at least need something for those first 2 days. Then I will have the weekend to prep some more. Done
    2. Order books for Christopher from the library, he needs history and science. Done
    Blog Goals   
    1. Comment on the ladies blogs that link up to Goal Planning Monday. Not Done
    2. Post reminder and future themes for Think Back Thursday on Wed. Done
    3. Post Think Back Thursday. Done
    4. Comment on each person's post that links up for Think Back Thursday. Done
    Fitness Goals 
    1. Done - I forgot to add my fitness goals. I exercised for 15 min on the Wii 2 times last week. I want to be much more consistent this year in exercising. I do have a goal to actually loose weight, I hope to loose 30 lbs this year, but more importantly I want to be more fit. I want to keep on and not quit. I want to end the year healthier, skinnier, and feeling better.
    Personal/Other Goals
    1. Write my weekly goals down on paper, add some details I want for me. Done
    2. Read, Read, Read Done - I finished my first book of the year on Sunday night during candlelight reading time.
    3. Work on my prayer book, I have some pages I want to change. Pray is my word for 2013 and I want my prayer book ready to go. Done - Jessica was scrapbooking and had most of the stuff out and spread all over the kitchen table on Sunday afternoon. So, I  just had to take a few stickers and my prayer book down to the table and join her. We had a really good time together, it was a lovely afternoon. I will be doing a post with pictures and links this week.
    4. I have a project to work on for my mom/sister. I have my mom's devotionals to scan and either print bigger (because she can't see them the size they are) or make into an e-pub so she can read them on her Nook. I only have until Friday night to get it done too... so I will be spending a lot of time on it for the next 3 days. Done - I am counting this as done because I spent a lot of time on Thursday night and Friday working on this. It did not work out, but I tried. I made one page from her book into an e-pub but it only showed up white and it would not resize on the page so my Mom could not read it. She used black background and the largest print. I also tried printing the pages for her but my printer was leaving a lighter spot in the middle of the page and she could not read the page in that spot ... so it was a no go on the printing also.
    5. Done - Play one board game a month with someone in the family. We played our new game Would You Rather? again on Friday with my Mom before she left. 
    For this week that is  14 Done, 0 Partly Done, and 2 Not Done.

    My goals for this coming week:
    Spiritual Goals   
    1. Morning Devotions - including Bible reading, prayer, listening to music and reading a spiritual book. Read through Proverbs each month. Prayer will be a focus this year as that is my word for 2013. I am currently reading Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist by John Piper. 
    2. Read more of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness
    3. Participate in the Joy Dare in 2013. Writing down 3 things each day that are gifts from God, things to be thankful for totaling more than 1000 gifts in 2013.
    4. Work on memorizing Psalm 5:1-3 in the KJV.
    Homeschool Goals
    1. Keep up with planning and ordering materials for school.
    2. Be consistent with reviewing Christopher's daily work and logging it in.
    3. Check Christopher's hours for his school subjects so I know how much he has done, how much he still needs to do in the next 80 days or so of school.
    Blog Goals   
    1. Comment on the ladies blogs that link up to Goal Planning Monday.
    2. Post reminder and future themes for Think Back Thursday on Wed.
    3. Post Think Back Thursday.
    4. Comment on each person's post that links up for Think Back Thursday. 
    5. Post a blog post that is not linked to a meme.
    Fitness Goals
    1. I want to exercise every day... some days will be longer than others. I want to do at least 15 minutes on 5 days and something the other days. I hope to work up to doing much more than this.
    Personal/Other Goals
    1. Write my weekly goals down on paper, add some details I want for me.
    2. Read, Read, Read 
    3. Work on saving files to my external drive. I have a lot to do because I have not kept up with it as I should.
    That's it for this week. How about you? It's a new year!!! A great time to set some goals and work to attain them... join us. Click the link at the top of the page. 

    all content on my blog is ©

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