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Friday, February 11, 2011

Fit Mommy Friday - Feb. 11

  1. Want to measure my waist and enter it into Wii Fit log and then keep track... at least . Done
  2. Want to redo my complete test on Sunday or Monday and see if I get a better Wii Fit Age. Done. Age came out higher this time... higher than me true age... but they base it on random tests and I did different test this time than last time. So, I don't think I will keep that as a goal. But I want to redo the test at least once a month.
  3. Work out on Wii Fit at least 4 days. Yes!! http://zaazu.comI worked out 2/5, 2/7, 2/8, and today. I also worked out a whole hour on the Wii one of those days.  I had planned to also work out on 2/9 and 2/10 but I was feeling sick... sinuses were bothering me, cough, eyes runny etc. But, I reached my goal so I am happy.
  4. Actually loose weight next week. Yes!! Down 2.4 lbs from last week. Really nice to see the weight going down. I was also proud of myself because I made Weight Watchers cake and took it to the Dinners for Eight last weekend and I did not touch the Eclair or the cheese and crackers they had... I ate some grapes as a appetizer instead. We also brought home the extra eclair and I did not touch it at all!!! I was down further than that but the orange juice, toast, soup and not exercising added on a lb from 2/9 til today.
Goals for Next Week:
  1. Work out at least 4 days on the Wii Fit.
  2. Drink at least 6 8-ounce glasses of water and try and make 8 glasses at least 2 days.
  3. Eat healthy everyday. Try and not gain weight since hubby and I are going out for dinner today for Valentines Day. I want to really enjoy my day out though. So, I may have to work extra hard later in the week.

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  1. You are doing a super job!!!

    Mrs. White

  2. WOW~I'm so thrilled with your results and progress~I had to give up eating out for now~but I love going to swim, the movies and active type stuff with my hub~Valentine's Day has a new meaning for me~it's all about HEART...mine... (health LOL)

    Keep up the GREAT work!
    I have learned that the fat is mostly IN MY HEAD...I'm working on that part and my fat is leaving me~yay!! ;-))

  3. Awesome results! I hope next week goes just as well for you!

  4. Great job! Keep up the good work!

    Annie Kate

  5. Wow! Great work! I so fell off the Fit Mommy wagon - and really need to get back on.

    You're very inspiring!

    Lisa @ Heritage Homestead& Homeschool


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