We were reading Say Fellows this morning for opening. We were on reading #12, Stewardship. We read the scripture that goes with the reading. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Then we did the reading. It started with asking, "How much is a boy worth?" The book was written in 1921 and so the cost of raising a child was considerably lower than it is today. After the reading I looked up the cost of raising a child today in a Google search and got a bunch of different numbers. This website, http://moneycentral.msn.com/articles/family/kids/tlkidscost.asp, puts it at $124,800 for the income bracket we are in. Wow, multiply that by the number of kids you have... WOW!! And that is a conservative estimate. One site I went to said it was over a million per kid!! I know we have not spent that much... we have not earned enough money to spend $4 million on our kids!!
Then I saw this link on the Google search page. I read it and read it to the boys leaving out the undergarment reference and the reference to one of the areas of education a parent gets, for the sake of my boys. So read it over for yourself mom's and maybe read it to your husband and/or children. It will do you good. http://www.mytidbits.us/funny-stories/58-cost-of-raising-a-child.html
ACK! That is a bit scary x 5 children..hehe!